The hurricane ____ a lot of houses in the area.
Most of the fish in the lake died after the factory had ____ it.
We can ___ a lot of waste materials .
The temperature dropped to -20, so it's _____ outside!
I didn't sleep well last night because of the terrible noise caused by the____
The ____ destroyed a huge area of forest land.
When a/an ____ happens, the earth shakes and sometimes houses and buildings collapse.
In Kyiv we will see heavy ____ later today.
You should be careful on the road as it will be______.
If he ________ (miss) the train, he ________ (arrive) late.
Pam _____ (go)shopping if she _____ (have) time in the afternoon.
If it _______ (be) sunny, we ________ (have) a picnic at the park
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