Look at the picture and name the problem.
What does 3 Rs mean?
What is "the environment"?
When do people all over the world celebrate the Earth Day?
Look at the picture and name the problem.
Look at the picture and name the problem.
Translate into Ukrainian the phrase "global warming".
When was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station?
How many editions of The Red Book of Ukraine?
Choose the endangered spicies of Ukraine.
Which kind of ecological problem do you see on the picture?
Which kind of ecological problem do you see on the picture?
This logo indicates that the item can be recycled.
What is ecology?
Choose the years of publications The Red Book of Ukraine (all editions).
Choose correct translation of the word
People can live without water.
Is this animal endangered?
How long does it take to decompose?
Choose the correct name of this animal.
Choose the Earth rule.
This bird is called Dodo. It is....now.
Fire Salamander is endangered.
The main ecological problem of village Pidhirne is.....
Choose the endangered flowers/plants of Ukraine.
What kinds of rubbish can you see?
Is this animal in danger?
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