Переглянути відео за посиланням. Дати відповіді. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr7iANBMxCA
1. What is museum?
2. The largest museums are located in smaller cities or towns.
3. There are many types of museums including ..... (обери кілька варіантів)
The National Gallery is a museum of human history and culture
5. The Science Museum is one of the greatest museums of science and technology in the world
6. The British Museum is a museum which contains the historic underground complex and a biographical museum the life of British statesman.
7. The Victoria and Albert Museum is a museum of applied and decorative arts and design.
8. The Churchill War Rooms is an art museum in the City of Westminster which included over 2,300 paintings from the 13th century to 1900
9. The National Railway Museum is a museum which tells the story of rail transport in Britain and its impact of society
10.The National History Museum is a museum which contains lots of items from 5 main collections
11. The botany collection of the Natural History Museum .....
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