New Year in Ukraine

Додано: 5 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Копія з тесту: New Year in Ukraine p.97
Тест виконано: 91 раз
8 запитань
Запитання 1

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People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

New Year is in winter.

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Запитання 2

Прочитай текст. Обери True (правда) або False ( неправда)

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in February.

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Запитання 3

Прочитай текст. Обери True (правда) або False ( неправда)

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

Before New Year they send the New Year Tree to their relatives and friends.

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Запитання 4

Прочитай текст. Обери True (правда) або False ( неправда)

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

They wish their relatives and friends "Happy New Year" .

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Запитання 5

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People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

Santa Claus gives presents to Ukrainian children.

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Запитання 6

Прочитай текст. Обери True (правда) або False ( неправда)

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

Father Frost puts presents under the bed.

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Запитання 7

Прочитай текст. Обери True (правда) або False ( неправда)

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

Children sing songs and dance around the New Year Tree.

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Запитання 8

Прочитай текст. Обери True (правда) або False ( неправда)

People in Ukraine celebrate New Year in January. Before New Year they send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. They wish them "Happy New Year". They make New Year decorations and have New Year parties. Father Frost brings presents and puts them under the New Year Tree. Children sing songs and dance around the Tree.

We have the New Year parties.

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