
Додано: 29 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 200 разів
21 запитання
Запитання 1

Newspapers, radio and TV prefer to make reports, or give information

about extraordinary events.

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Запитання 2

What is the main source of news for millions of people?

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Запитання 3

What has recently become another important source of information?

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Запитання 4

a paper printed and sold daily or weekly with news , advertisements , articles about political, crime, business , art, entertainment , sport events is...

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Запитання 5

a commercial interruption, where a thing, a product or a service are advertised . It helps people to choose best things is...

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An advertisement

A tabloid

A quality papper

Запитання 6

Who chooses the best stories?

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a compositor

a news editor

a driver

a reporter

a correspondent

a secretary

Запитання 7

Who delivers newspapers to shop?

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a reporter

a news editor

a driver

a compositor

a machine

a message

Запитання 8

Who makes the newspaper pages?

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a compositor

a printer 

a machine

a correspondent

a news editor

Запитання 9

 People use .... to print a newspaper.

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means of communication




an event

Запитання 10

... report the news from all over the world.

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News editors

Запитання 11

A secretary ....... .

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sends stories through the phone and e-mail

types the messages 

makes the newspaper pages

interviews people

Запитання 12

What do you need to make a newspaper? (кілька відповідей)

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means of communications



lots of paper




Запитання 13

Підбери визначення



варіанти відповідей

a piece of writing in a paper or a magazine

nothing important

The Times, Holos Ukrainy, The Washington Post

think that something is true

Запитання 14

Підбери визначення


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a piece of writing in a paper or a magazine

think that something is true


get information or facts

a description of the weather for the next few days

Запитання 15

Підбери визначення

find out...


варіанти відповідей

get information or facts


a piece of writing in a paper or a magazine

take place

nothing important

Запитання 16

A weather forecast is...

варіанти відповідей

a description of an event

a piece of writing in a paper or a magazine

something is true

a description of the weather for the next few days

Запитання 17

Nespapers and magazines can be ...

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daily and weekly

weekly and monthly

monthly and daily

monthly, weekly, daily

Запитання 18

_______ is the thing that helps newspapers and other kinds of mass media to make the money.

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Запитання 19

The most common types of media are ...


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television, radio and Internet


books, magazines, newspapers

billboards, flyers, bulletins

letters, announcements, encyclopedies

Запитання 20

Match a paragraph with one of the headings below. 

The press, television and radio (mass media) play an important part in the life of the society. They influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Some people say, ”News is not what happens – it is what you see or read in mass media.” In other words, mass media shapes public opinion. (Sometimes it is good, but sometimes terribly bad. It depends.)




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TV is more real than reality


Time is money

 Not only entertainment


Promoting hate

Запитання 21

Match a paragraph with one of the headings below.

But it is hardly fair to say that TV doesn`t try to raise the cultural level of the people or develop their artistic taste. Many of TV programmes are excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings into millions of homes not only news and entertainment, but also cultural and educational programmes.

Good or bad, television brings the world into our home and makes us closer to other people.

Besides, it is a good company for people who live alone.

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Promoting hate

 Not only entertainment

TV is more real than reality

A pleasant way to relax and spend our free time

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