Circle the correct word:
Would you like a ___ of hot tea?
Circle the correct word:
Let`s buy a __ of water.
Circle the correct word:
Can I have a __ of bread?
Circle the correct word:
There`s a __ of biscuits and some cake in the kitchen.
Complete the sentences with a,an or some.
We`ve got __ pepper and __ onion. Let`s make a salad.
Complete the sentences with a,an or some.
I`d like __ orange juice,please.
Complete the sentences with a,an or some.
Have __ rice with your meatballs.
Complete the sentences with a,an or some.
There are ... tomatoes in the salad.
Complete the sentences with a,an or some.
There`s __ cheese in this sandwich.
Complete the sentences with some or any.
Can I have __ milk in my coffee,please?
Complete the sentences with some or any.
I`d like __ ketchup,please.
Complete the sentences with some or any.
I drink __ soft drinks.I like it with pizza.
Complete the sentences with some or any.
There isn`t __ cheese in the fridge.
Is there ... ice cream in the fridge?
Would you like ... ice cream?
Complete the sentences with How much or How many.
__ eggs are there in this cake?
Complete the sentences with How much or How many.
__ chocolate do you eat a week?
Complete the sentences with How much or How many.
__ bottles of water are there in the fridge?
Complete the sentences with How much or How many.
___ cups of tea do you drink a day?
Find vegetables
Find fruit
Find dairy prodducts
Choose countable nouns.
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