Nick’s Family

Додано: 15 жовтня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Копія з тесту: Nick’s Family
8 запитань
Запитання 1

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

1) Nick is eight.

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Запитання 2

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

2) His favorite subject is Art.

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Запитання 3

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

3) Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.

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Запитання 4

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

4) Nick's mother is fat.

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Запитання 5

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

5) Nick’s father is a doctor.

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Запитання 6

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

6) Nick's sister is five.

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Запитання 7

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

7) Nick's sister is short

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Запитання 8

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Nick’s Family.

Nick is eight. He goes to school. His favorite subject is Art. He has got a family. Nick has got a mother, a father and a little sister.His mother is a teacher. She is pretty. Nick’s father is a doctor. He is strong. Nick’s sister is five. She is short. She has got blue eyes.

9) Nick's sister has got green eyes.

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