
Додано: 30 квітня
Предмет: Англійська мова
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Six of the Best Facebook Apps for Teens

Try these Facebook apps for friendship, fun and more

My Music

Have you ever wanted to share your entire iTunes library with your Facebook friends? Tagshine’s My Music application lets you do just that, and shows your Facebook friends what songs you've listened to most recently and what playlists you’ve created. This app also lets you watch music videos for more than 6 million songs and create a personal library of artists you like.

With this Facebook application you can __________.

варіанти відповідей

record your own song

upgrade the existing application

share your plans with the friends

let others access your favourites

Запитання 2

Завдання 28

Birthday Cards

The Birthday Cards application by RockYou! has tons of free features that help you stay in touch with friends and remember their birthdays. You can design custom greeting cards for any of your friends on Facebook, or you can team up with your friends to design cards. The application sends you a reminder when a friend’s birthday is coming up and lets you build a calendar of friends’ birthdays and other special events such as parties and holiday events.

With this Facebook application you can __________.

варіанти відповідей

contribute to saving nature

create something collectively

discover unexpected ties of your fellows

enjoy yourself training your brain

Запитання 3

Circle of Friends

Maybe your summer camp friends in Canada are distant cousins of your best friend from school. Perhaps your stepbrother is a friend with your friend’s sister. Bantr’s Circle of Friends app helps you find out how your friends are connected — and may surprise you!

With this Facebook application you can __________.

варіанти відповідей

contribute to saving nature

create something collectively

discover unexpected ties of your fellows

enjoy yourself training your brain

Запитання 4


Everybody needs a break every now and then. Scramble’s a great way to take one. This word game by Zynga sharpens your mind by challenging you to find words in a jumbled grid, sort of like the board game Boggle. You can invite your friends to play it with you online, too!

With this Facebook application you can __________.

варіанти відповідей

contribute to saving nature

create something collectively

discover unexpected ties of your fellows

enjoy yourself training your brain

Запитання 5

Sea Garden

There are several fun Facebook apps that raise money for environmental causes each time you use them. Sea Garden is one of them. With this app, you build a little reef of sea creatures and ocean plants and send goodies such as squid, fish and octopuses to your friends. Each time you send a sea creature to a friend, the company that designed the app donates money to groups such as the Surfrider Foundation, a charity that works to protect oceans and beaches worldwide.

With this Facebook application you can __________.

варіанти відповідей

contribute to saving nature

create something collectively

discover unexpected ties of your fellows

enjoy yourself training your brain

Запитання 6

Advanced Wall

Take your Facebook wall to a new level with Advanced Wall by idleStudios. This effective Facebook app lets you post images, videos and flash, as well as make art, write graffiti and monkey with the colour and size of text using a simple editing feature.

With this Facebook application you can __________.

варіанти відповідей

record your own song

upgrade the existing application

share your plans with the friends

let others access your favourites

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