Регіональна онлайн олімпіада з англійської мови

Додано: 26 лютого 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 120 разів
35 запитань
Запитання 1

British traditions

This holiday is always on Tuesday in February or March. It is the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter when people often give up or stop eating things that are bad for them like chocolate or fast food. On this holiday people dress up in fancy dress costumes and race with a delicious kind of cake throwing it into the air.

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 Cake Races

 Hot dog Party


Pancake Day

Запитання 2

British traditions

This holiday marks the beginning of spring. It is a celebration of good winning over evil, and a time to give thanks for the good harvest. The dates change each year according to the full moon, but it is normally in March and sometimes in late February.Spring! Colours! Love! It is a time to play and laugh, forget and forgive.

People go outside and throw coloured paint powder at each other. It does not matter if you are rich, poor, old or young – everyone can throw holi paint and everyone can get messy! 

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Chinese New Year

Запитання 3

British traditions

 It’s the custom in the UK to play a trick or a joke on someone on this day. If the person falls for the joke, then they get special nickname on this day. In fact, it’s only half a day because the time for tricks finishes at midday. No more jokes after lunchtime, please!

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Boxing Day


April Fool's Day

Запитання 4

British traditions

It's celebrated in Northern Ireland and the US. Street parades, music and shamrocks are the necessary part of annual festival. It starts on March 17th. Feasting on the day features traditional Irish food, including corned beef, corned cabbage, coffee, soda bread, potatoes, and shepherd’s pie. Many celebrations also hold an Irish breakfast of sausage, black and white pudding, fried eggs, and fried tomatoes. The prevailing colours are green and orange.

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Pancake Day

St. George's Day

St. Andrew's Day

St. Patrick's Day

Запитання 5

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


About us

You don't want just a gym membership. You want a membership that means something. And that means you need support, expert help and a community.

Best Body Fitness isn't just a gym: it's a full-service fitness membership made for you.

Here's how it works:

STEP ONE: Your assessment

We begin with an assessment session. This is a chance for you to see what we do at Best Body. Our assessment plans are no-cost and no-risk. We'll also make a training plan specifically for you.

STEP TWO: Your training

When you decide to become a Best Body member, we show you what to do, how to do it and why you are doing it. After a few sessions with an expert private trainer you will feel comfortable working out on your own. But don't worry, we'll always be nearby if you have questions.

STEP THREE: Your membership

Membership works on a month-to-month basis. There are no sign-up fees and no cancellation fees. Start and stop whenever you want. And the best part? Our fees are the most competitive in the whole downtown area.

STEP FOUR: Your community

At Best Body Fitness, we see everyone as part of a big team. And when you work with a team, you can do great things. Join any of our specialised classes, led by expert instructors. Come to our nutrition classes. Participate in our regular social events. Everything is included in your fee.

Finally, we wanted to share with you some reasons why our members say that they have chosen us over any other fitness centre in the city.

It's so EASY

Easy to start, stop, cancel or refund a membership

Easy to access – we're open 24/7, we never close

Easy to do exercise – we have lots of equipment, no long wait

Easy results – our trainers and equipment give you success, fast

Easy to find – in the centre of town, near public transport and with parking


Wonderful members

Wonderful trainers and staff

Wonderful equipment

Wonderful energy

Wonderful location

Come and visit us for a personal tour!

Question 1: The first visit to the club is free.

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Запитання 6

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 2: Everybody gets the same training plan.

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Запитання 7

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 3: At this gym you always do exercise with an expert instructor.

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Запитання 8

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 4: If you stop your membership, you don't have to pay anything.

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Запитання 9

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 5: The gym sais it is the best value of money.

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Запитання 10

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 6: Nutrition classes cost a little bit extra.

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Запитання 11

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 7: The gym is open ar 4 o'clock in the morning.

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Запитання 12

Read the text. Match statement with TRUE or FALSLE:


Question 8: The gym is outside of town.

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Запитання 13

Read an extract from the story and answer the qiestions:

Sam squinted against the sun at the distant dust trail raked up by the car on its way up to the Big House. The horses kicked and flicked their tails at flies, not caring about their owner's first visit in ten months. Sam waited. Mr Carter didn't come out here unless he had to, which was just fine by Sam. The more he kept out of his boss's way, the longer he'd have a job.

Carter came by later while Sam was chopping wood. Carter lifted his hat as if he were waiting for an appointment with the town priest, and then removed it completely as if he were talking to his mother. He pulled out a pile of paper from his back pocket and held it out.

'Don't pick up your mail often, do you?'

Sam took it without a glance and dropped the envelopes onto the bench.

'Never,' he replied and waited for Carter to say why he was here. The fact it was Carter's house was no explanation and they both knew it. Carter twisted his hat round and round, licking his lips and clearing his throat.

'Nice work fixing those fences,' he said finally.

'I'll be back to the beginning soon,' Sam said. It wasn't a complaint. A fence that took a year to repair meant another year's work to the man who did it well.

'Don't you ever want to take a holiday?'

'And go where?' A holiday meant being back out in the real world, a place even people like Carter travelled to escape from. Sam's escape was his reality and he wasn't going back.

Mr Carter wiped the sweat from the back of his neck. The damp patches on his shirt drew together like shapes in an atlas. His skin was already turning ruddy in the June sun. Otherwise he had the indoor tan of a man that made money while other people did the work.

'I've brought my son with me on this trip. He's had some trouble at school.' Mr Carter's eyes flicked up, blinked rapidly and then shifted back to the hat occupying his hands. 'Not much trouble out here for a young boy.' He attempted a laugh but it came out like a dog's bark.

The two men looked towards the northern end of the property. It stretched as far as the eye could see. Even the fences were barely visible from where they stood. However bored and rebellious a teenage boy might get, it wasn't possible to escape on foot. Sam looked at the biggest of the horses, kicking at the ground with its heavy hooves. Could the boy ride? he wondered. There was a whole load of trouble a good rider could get into out here, miles away from anyone. But maybe there was even more trouble for someone who knew nothing about horses and wanted to get away from his father.

Question 1: What is Sam's reaction to his letters?

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Запитання 14

Read an extract from the story and answer the qiestions:

Question 2: Why does Sam never take holidays from work?

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He feels safer at the farm.

He hasn't finished repairing the fences.

He can't afford it.

He doesn't know where to choose.

Запитання 15

Read an extract from the story and answer the qiestions:

Question 3: What can we guess about Mr. Carter?

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He works hard.

He has tanned skin.

He is rich.

He loves horses.

Запитання 16

Read an extract from the story and answer the qiestions:

Question 4: What does Sam think Carter's son might do during his stay at the farm?

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He might leave on foot.

He might break the fences.

He might do something dangerous while riding.

He might get into trouble with neighbours.

Запитання 17

Read an extract from the story and answer the qiestions:

Question 5: Why has Mr. Carter come to his house?

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Because he wants to give Sam his mail.

Because his son has had problems at school.

Because he needs to check on the work on the fences.

Becuase his son needs a holiday.

Запитання 18

Grammar part

 I told him ................................. worry.

варіанти відповідей

to worry

not to worry

to worrying

Запитання 19

Grammar part

 He asked me if I …………………………… them.

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have known

Запитання 20

Grammar part

 They ...................................... me repeat the whole story.

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Запитання 21

Grammar part

 I was ………………………….. to visit them whenever I wanted to.

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Запитання 22

Grammar part

He ..................................... homeless since he left his native place.

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had been

has been

Запитання 23

Grammar part

 Thieves ......................................... into their home while they were sleeping in the patio.

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has broken

were broken

Запитання 24

Grammar part

We ....................................... in this house for ten years now.

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are living

have lived

Запитання 25

Grammar part

He .................................. to be a scientist.

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has always wanted


always wants

Запитання 26

Grammar part

 The salad perfectly ......................................... the main course.

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Запитання 27

Look at the picture and guess the type of the building:

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block of flats

terraced house

semi-detached house

detached house


Запитання 28

Look at the picture and guess the type of the building:

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block of flats

detached house

semi-detached house

terraced house

Запитання 29

Look at the picture and guess the type of the building:

варіанти відповідей

detached house


semi-detached house

terraced house


block of flats

Запитання 30

Look at the picture and guess the type of the building:

варіанти відповідей

detached house

semi-detached house

block of flats

terraced house



Запитання 31

Read the extract from the text and choose one correct variant:

Critics of the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens have called the film unoriginal and predictable because the story so closely mirrors the very first Star Wars film in 1977. But, in fact, both films 1___________a structure that pre-dates all Hollywood films, that of the 'hero myth'. That's because director George Lucas based Star Wars on the ideas in Joseph Campbell's 1949 book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Later editions of Campbell's book even featured Star Wars' hero Luke Skywalker on the front cover.

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follow after

turn at

Запитання 32

Read the extract from the text and choose one correct variant:

In his book, Campbell analyses myths from all over the world to describe the 'monomyth' – a pattern 2_________you can see in myths from every culture. In short, a hero sets off from home on a journey, where he overcomes obstacles and defeats enemies to return with a prize. It's a tale that has been told for thousands of years, from the Ancient Greeks with The Odyssey to JK Rowling's Harry Potter books.d choose the correct variant:

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Запитання 33

Read the extract from the text and choose one correct variant:

George Lucas was one of the early film directors to directly base his story on the 17 stages of the hero's journey. Typically the hero starts the story 3_____________ an ordinary life, but something happens that calls them to an adventure that changes everything. At the beginning of Star Wars, Luke lives an ordinary life with his aunt and uncle, repairing robots. When he finds Princess Leia's message to Obi-Wan Kenobi inside the robot R2D2, it is 'the call to adventure' that starts the hero on his journey.

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to live

Запитання 34

Read the extract from the text and choose one correct variant:

According to Campbell, the hero at first refuses the call to adventure, but a mentor appears who helps them and they decide to 'cross the threshold' and travel into the 'special world' where the adventure happens. The next stage 4_______________ of passing tests, fighting enemies and meeting friends as the hero prepares to face their biggest challenge. For Luke the mentor is, of course, Obi-Wan, the friends are Han Solo and the robots R2D2 and C3PO and the enemy is Darth Vader inside the special world of the Death Star.

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Запитання 35

Read the extract from the text and choose one correct variant:

Next, the hero overcomes obstacles on the way 5______________ their greatest challenge. There often comes a moment when they face death or loss and that experience gives them the strength to finally defeat the enemy. Luke loses his mentor when he sees Darth Vader kill Obi-Wan, which helps him find the strength he needs later on. When heroes succeed, they return from the special world, changed by their experiences forever. Luke's change comes when he remembers Obi-Wan saying, 'Use the force', and he uses it to help him aim his laser into the heart of the Death Star. Luke takes his first steps to becoming a Jedi, and the hero myth restarts in The Return of the Jedi, except this time his mentor is Yoda.

варіанти відповідей

in facing

to facing

with facing

after facing

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