On Screen 1 - unit 6 - Grammar

Додано: 30 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 93 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.


 I ………………………… (see) a lot of people walking their dogs in the park last weekend.

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did see

Запитання 2

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

………………………… (Jack/buy) a kitten yesterday?

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Did Jack bought

Did Jack buy

Does Jack buy

Запитання 3

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

I ………………………… (try) to find out some information about wolves on the Internet last night.

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Запитання 4

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

My rabbit ………………………… (eat) three carrots this morning for his breakfast!

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Запитання 5

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

We ………………………… (not/watch) the programme about the rainforest last night.

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did watch

didn’t watch

didn’t watched

Запитання 6

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

………………………… (your dad/make) a new house for your rabbit last week?

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Did your dad make

Do your dad make

Did your dad made

Запитання 7

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

I ………………………… (not/go) to Kate’s house last night.

варіанти відповідей

didn’t went

didn’t go

didn’t gone

Запитання 8

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

We ………………………… (not/have) time to see the lions at the zoo last Sunday.v

варіанти відповідей

didn’t have

didn’t had

didn’t haved

Запитання 9

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

The seals ………………………… (leave) the rocks and went into the sea.

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Запитання 10

Put the words in brackets into the past simple.

I ………………………… (walk) to the vet to collect my cat yesterday.

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Запитання 11

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.


 Horses are ………………………… (big) than sheep.

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the bigger

Запитання 12

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

Sharks are ………………………… (dangerous) animals in the sea.

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the most dangerous

more dangerous

Запитання 13

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

Tigers are ………………………… (large) cats in the world.

варіанти відповідей

the largest



Запитання 14

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

Hamsters are one of …………………… (small) pets you can have.

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the smallest 


the most small

Запитання 15

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

Fred’s dog is ………………………… (heavy) than his rabbit.

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the heavier

the heaviest

Запитання 16

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

A tortoise is probably …………………… (quiet) pet of all.

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the most quiet

the quietest

Запитання 17

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

My canary is a ………………………… (good) singer than my parrot.

варіанти відповідей

the best



Запитання 18

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative.

Dolphins are ………………………… (beautiful) mammals in the ocean.

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more beautiful

most beautiful

the most beautiful

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