The artists made the dragon
The dragon moves about
What do people think about the El
Grando show?
What plan do the artists have for the dragon?
People used to believe in dragons that could____________.
The artist uses ____________ from old cars to make sculptures.
I have a lot of _________ for this old car that I found in junk yards (смітники).
Birds use their _____to fly.
They use a huge _______ to make the hot air balloon float up into the air.
The collage is made from ________ that people threw away.
Match the words to their synonyms.
not light
Match the words to their synonyms.
Match the words to their synonyms.
They used _________ materials to make the dragon.
Its mouth isn't small, it's_________ .
The dragon can ________ its neck high in the air.
The __________ enjoy the performances a lot.
The dragon _____ gas flames out of its mouth.
They ________ electric motors to make the dragon move.
пластикова трубка
бензиновий двигун
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