on screen 3 / Clil 4 Video

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Додано: 6 листопада 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Arthur conan Doyle wrotea Sherlock Holmes story every 8 years.

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Запитання 2

"The hound of the Baskervilles'' takes place in London in the late 18880s.

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Запитання 3

The novel follows Holmes and his assistant as they try to solve the mystery around the death of Sir John Watson,

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Запитання 4

Dr James Mortimer asks Holmes to prptect his nephew Henry Baskerville from the family curse.

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Запитання 5

Jack Stapleton , who was actually a Baskerville, organised his families' murders so he could take over the family fortune,

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Запитання 6

S. Holmes became so popular the novel was adopted into many theatrical productions, books, television and films.

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Запитання 7

family curse

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родине прокляття

родине свято

родина реліквія

родина традиція

Запитання 8


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find out



Запитання 9


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Запитання 10


варіанти відповідей

to fasten or join one thing to another so they stay together.

something that happened before a certain time or event.

the part of your body that connects your mouth to your stomach and allows you to swallow food and breathe

the idea that events in life are determined by a power beyond our control, often seen as destiny.

to include someone or something as a necessary part of an activity or situation

caring only about yourself and not considering other people's needs or feelings

Запитання 11


варіанти відповідей

caring only about yourself and not considering other people's needs or feelings

to fasten or join one thing to another so they stay together.

to include someone or something as a necessary part of an activity or situation

the idea that events in life are determined by a power beyond our control, often seen as destiny.

the part of your body that connects your mouth to your stomach and allows you to swallow food and breathe.

something that happened before a certain time or event

Запитання 12


варіанти відповідей

something that happened before a certain time or event

the part of your body that connects your mouth to your stomach and allows you to swallow food and breathe.

the idea that events in life are determined by a power beyond our control, often seen as destiny

to include someone or something as a necessary part of an activity or situatio

caring only about yourself and not considering other people's needs or feelings.

to fasten or join one thing to another so they stay together.

Запитання 13


варіанти відповідей

to fasten or join one thing to another so they stay together.

caring only about yourself and not considering other people's needs or feelings.

to include someone or something as a necessary part of an activity or situation.

the idea that events in life are determined by a power beyond our control, often seen as destiny.

the part of your body that connects your mouth to your stomach and allows you to swallow food and breathe.

something that happened before a certain time or event

Запитання 14


варіанти відповідей

something that happened before a certain time or event

the part of your body that connects your mouth to your stomach and allows you to swallow food and breathe.

the idea that events in life are determined by a power beyond our control, often seen as destiny.

to include someone or something as a necessary part of an activity or situation

caring only about yourself and not considering other people's needs or feelings.

to fasten or join one thing to another so they stay together.

Запитання 15


варіанти відповідей

to fasten or join one thing to another so they stay together.

caring only about yourself and not considering other people's needs or feelings.

to include someone or something as a necessary part of an activity or situation.

the idea that events in life are determined by a power beyond our control, often seen as destiny.

the part of your body that connects your mouth to your stomach and allows you to swallow food and breathe

something that happened before a certain time or event.

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