The volcano on the Indonesian island of Krakatoa …….. in 1883.
The young girl started crying when the lights …….. suddenly.
The emergency services asked people to …….. the town quickly because the wildfire was getting closer.
The firefighters …….. the fire before it got out of control.
An old building …….. during the earthquake.
In 2005, a hurricane …….. New Orleans, Louisiana.
The young man …….. without food for a week.
The …….. washed away the town’s bridge and filled the streets with water.
The …….. rain caused the river to burst its banks.
The volcano caused a huge cloud of smoke and …….. .
“Let’s go outside and get some …….. air!” said Mum.
The rain was …….. down as Tim and Belinda were hiking up Mount Olympus.
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