On Screen 3 Unit 4 Everyday English

Додано: 27 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 56 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the dialogues (1-3). Complete the dialogues (1-3) with appropriate responses.

X: How was your trip abroad?


варіанти відповідей

I had the time of my life.

That was a moment I’ll never forget.

I’ll always remember that moment.

Запитання 2

X: ...................................................................

Y: Yes. You could talk to your parents about it.

варіанти відповідей

What’s the best thing to do?

What am I supposed to do?

Do you have any ideas what to do?

Запитання 3

X: What did you do after the accident?


X: That was really brave! 

варіанти відповідей

I couldn’t see that well.

I ran over to see if I could help.

I didn’t notice anything unusual.

Запитання 4

X: Did you get a look at the driver?

Y: .................................................................. 

варіанти відповідей

I saw him quite clearly.

I didn’t really notice.

It all happened so fast.

Запитання 5


Y: I’d say she was in her early twenties.

варіанти відповідей

What exactly did you see?

Did you see what she looked like?

Did you notice anything unusual?

Запитання 6

X: That’s all I remember.

Y: ..................................................................

X: You’re welcome. I will.

варіанти відповідей

Thank you for your time.

Please give us a call.

Thanks. Call this number if you have anything to add.

Запитання 7

Replace the underlined phrases in the dialogue with ones from the list below.

A:  Good morning, Miss Lemon. Now, you say you witnessed a crime last night. 1) What did you see?

B:  I was walking out of the cinema on Duke Street at around 10pm when I noticed a man trying to set fire to the library.

A:  2) Did you see what he looked like?

B:  Yes, he was short, fat and bald. 3) I’d say he was middle-aged.

A:  And what did you do next?

B:  Well, I shouted at him and then 4) I immediately contacted the police.

A:  You did the right thing. 5) Please call us if you have anything to add.

B:  Of course, officer. 

1) What did you see?

варіанти відповідей

He seemed about 45 years old.

Please tell us if you have any further information.

Did you get a clear look at him?

Can you tell me what you saw?

I phoned the emergency services straight away.

Запитання 8

A:  Good morning, Miss Lemon. Now, you say you witnessed a crime last night. 1) What did you see?

B:  I was walking out of the cinema on Duke Street at around 10pm when I noticed a man trying to set fire to the library.

A:  2) Did you see what he looked like?

B:  Yes, he was short, fat and bald. 3) I’d say he was middle-aged.

A:  And what did you do next?

B:  Well, I shouted at him and then 4) I immediately contacted the police.

A:  You did the right thing. 5) Please call us if you have anything to add.

B:  Of course, officer. 

2) Did you see what he looked like? 

варіанти відповідей

He seemed about 45 years old.

Please tell us if you have any further information.

Did you get a clear look at him?

Can you tell me what you saw?

I phoned the emergency services straight away.

Запитання 9

A:  Good morning, Miss Lemon. Now, you say you witnessed a crime last night. 1) What did you see?

B:  I was walking out of the cinema on Duke Street at around 10pm when I noticed a man trying to set fire to the library.

A:  2) Did you see what he looked like?

B:  Yes, he was short, fat and bald. 3) I’d say he was middle-aged.

A:  And what did you do next?

B:  Well, I shouted at him and then 4) I immediately contacted the police.

A:  You did the right thing. 5) Please call us if you have anything to add.

B:  Of course, officer. 

3) I’d say he was middle-aged. 

варіанти відповідей

He seemed about 45 years old.

 Please tell us if you have any further information.

Did you get a clear look at him?

Can you tell me what you saw?

I phoned the emergency services straight away.

Запитання 10

A:  Good morning, Miss Lemon. Now, you say you witnessed a crime last night. 1) What did you see?

B:  I was walking out of the cinema on Duke Street at around 10pm when I noticed a man trying to set fire to the library.

A:  2) Did you see what he looked like?

B:  Yes, he was short, fat and bald. 3) I’d say he was middle-aged.

A:  And what did you do next?

B:  Well, I shouted at him and then 4) I immediately contacted the police.

A:  You did the right thing. 5) Please call us if you have anything to add.

B:  Of course, officer. 

4) I immediately contacted the police.

варіанти відповідей

He seemed about 45 years old.

 Please tell us if you have any further information.

Did you get a clear look at him?

Can you tell me what you saw?

 I phoned the emergency services straight away.

Запитання 11

A:  Good morning, Miss Lemon. Now, you say you witnessed a crime last night. 1) What did you see?

B:  I was walking out of the cinema on Duke Street at around 10pm when I noticed a man trying to set fire to the library.

A:  2) Did you see what he looked like?

B:  Yes, he was short, fat and bald. 3) I’d say he was middle-aged.

A:  And what did you do next?

B:  Well, I shouted at him and then 4) I immediately contacted the police.

A:  You did the right thing. 5) Please call us if you have anything to add.

B:  Of course, officer. 

5) Please call us if you have anything to add.

варіанти відповідей

He seemed about 45 years old.

Please tell us if you have any further information.

Did you get a clear look at him?

Can you tell me what you saw?

 I phoned the emergency services straight away.

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