You should leave a .......... for the waiter because they don’t earn very much.
If you are unhappy in your job, you should .......... and find something better.
The book was too ..........; I knew what was going to happen after the first chapter.
John left his job because the prospects for .......... where he worked were limited.
Friends is an award-winning comedy .......... on TV.
I am learning so much working with a(n) .......... in the field of robotics.
The book was on the .......... list for 10 weeks.
Annie is extremely ..........; she doesn’t leave the office until her work is finished.
The Hobbit is a .......... film set in the make-believe world of Middle-earth.
Send me the report .......... you finish it.
A: How was the film?
B: .................................
A: Good morning, please take a seat.
B: ............................
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