Додано: 5 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 120 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1


·   Family members

1 Look at the family members and match the pairs of words.


 dad                                       a  sister

 uncle                                     b  mother-in-law

 son                                       c  grandma

 nephew                                 d  aunt

 grandad                                e  wife

 brother                                  f  daughter

 father-in-law                          g  mum

 husband                                h  niece


варіанти відповідей

1     1 g            3 f             5 c            7 b

       2 d            4 h            6 a            8 e

1     1 g            3 a            5 c            7 e

       2 d            4 h            6 f            8 b

1     1 c            3 f             5 g            7 b

       2 h            4 d            6 a            8 e

Запитання 2

3 Fill in: give, volunteers, shares, supervises, make, sign.


 1  My sister …………………….. for a children’s charity every summer.

 2  Betty often …………………….. the children after lunch during playtime.

 3  You can …………………….. up online to help poor children at Barnardo’s children’s centres.

 4  I …………………….. a helping hand to charities whenever I can.

 5  Sarah …………………….. her bedroom with her little sister.

 6  Charities like Barnardo’s ……………………….. a difference in children’s lives.


варіанти відповідей

1 volunteers                     4 shares

       2 supervises                   5 sign

       3 give                              6 make


1 shares                          4 give

       2 supervises                    5 volunteers

       3 sign                               6 make


1 volunteers                     4 give

       2 supervises                    5 shares

       3 sign                               6 make


Запитання 3

3 Using the clues find the words.

 1  These bones protect our heart

 2  It has got flat bones and protects our brain                                                                                                                              

3  Each one has got 3 bones and they help us pick up things                                                                                                        

4  This contains bones that help us stand and walk                          

5  These large strong bones help support our body                                                                                                                       

6  Each of these contains eight small bones that help us move

our hands                                                                                                                           

7  These bones are attached to our feet and they help us

balance when we stand                                                                                                                            

8  It helps our body stand upright     

 From our head to our toes, our body has got over 200 bones.

What is it? Our ……………………………………..

варіанти відповідей

1 ribs  4 ankle  7 legs

       2 skelleton            5 toes               8 spine

       3 fingers               6 wrist



1 ribs  4 ankle  7 toes

       2 skull                   5 legs               8 spine

       3 fingers                6 wrist



1 ribs  4 ankle  7  toes

       2 skull                    5 legs               8 skeleton

       3 fingers                6 wrist



Запитання 4

Grammar in use

4 Choose the correct item.

  1  These are ………. books.

      A  Edwards’      B Edward’s    C Edwards


 2  Is that ………. house?

      A  Jenny’s        B Jennys       C Jennys’


 3  My ………. name is Sophie.

      A  sisters          B sister’s       C sisters’

 4  This is the ………. room.

      A  children’s     B childrens    C childrens’


 5  Those are the ………. video games.

      A  boys            B boy            C boys’


 6  That is my ………. car.

      A  cousin          B cousins      C cousin’s


варіанти відповідей

3     1 A       2 B       3 B       4 A     5 A   6 C

3     1 B       2 A       3 B       4 A     5 C    6 C

3     1 C       2 C       3 B       4 A     5 C    6 C

Запитання 5

Complete the sentences using love, like, not like or hate and the verbs below. 

      • cook • do • eat • get up • read • play • listen

 Complete the sentences using love, like, not like or hate and the verbs below. 

      • cook • do • eat • get up • read • play • listen


 1  Julie …………………(любить)

 dinner in the evening.

 2  My mum ………………………(подобається)


 3  Peter …………………………(ненавидить)

 early for school.


4  Amy …………………………(не любе)

 computer games.


5  I ………………………………(ненавидить)

 my homework.


6  My brothers …………………(не любе)

 fish for lunch.


7  Anna and Peter ……………………(подобається)

 to music in the evenings.

варіанти відповідей

1 dont loves cooking           5 like doing

       2 likes reading                    6 don't like eating

       3 hates getting up               7 like listening

       4 doesn't like playing

1 loves cooking                  5 dont like doing

       2 likes reading                    6 don't like eating

       3 hates getting up              7 like listening

       4 doesn't like playing

1 loves cooking                  5 hate doing

       2 likes reading                    6 don't like eating

       3 hates getting up               7 like listening

       4 doesn't like playing


Запитання 6


6 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).


One Direction are a very popular boy band around the world. They travel to different countries and play concerts in huge stadiums. They make millions of fans happy. But when they aren’t at work, these five boys have a normal daily life.


The boys love waking up at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and they often have breakfast. After, they go to the gym or play football together. In the evening, they love watching films and playing video games.


But a very important thing that the boys do with their free time is charity work. One Direction help a lot of different charities. Louis plays football for Doncaster Rovers and gives the money from ticket sales to a local children’s charity. Liam and Harry work together and volunteer for Cancer Research. Zayn often gives a helping hand to children’s hospital charities and Niall organises events for children’s charities in his hometown. The whole band work together to help big charities like Comic Relief and Children in Need. These boys really know how to make a difference.

1 There are 3 boys in the band.                    ……….

 2  The boys like getting up late.                ……….

 3  They don’t like watching films.              ……….

 4  Liam plays football for Doncaster

Rovers.                                               ……….


5  Niall often organises charity events

to help children in need.                       ……….


6  The band never do charity work

together.       ............

варіанти відповідей

6   1 F       2 T       3 F       4 T    5 T     6 F

6   1 F       2 F       3 F       4 F     5 T     6 F

6    1 F       2 T       3 F       4 F     5 T     6 F

6    1 F       2 T       3 F       4 F     5 T    6T

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