Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
1. People ... in huge amounts for the opening night of the movie
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
2. I hadn't seen her for months and then, one day, she.... at my house.
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
3. My grandfather is terrible with computers. He can't even... one.....
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
4. The soldiers tried with all of their might to... the invading forces.
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
5. Selfish people really ... me.....
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
6. Once the pancake is done on one side, please... it... to cook the other side.
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
7. We had to... four applicants, because they didn't have the necessary qualifications
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
8. Susan is a hard-working student. She... two essays a week.
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
9. Rock music really ... me ...
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
10. How did your bread-baking...?
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
11. I waited for half an hour, but she didn't....
Choose the best variant of answer: A, B, C or D.
12. The factory... bottles.
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