To make a visit.
Come up with.
Cool off
When you spend less money on something.
When you do everything you must do to solve a problem or complete.
To wear formal clothes, or a costume for a special occasion.
To quit a school program or training course.
Плентатись; відставати.
Заповнити анкету.
Доповнити; засипати;налити.
To have good interactions with others.
Get back at.
Get off on
To distribute something.
To stop doing something without completing it.
To accept or agree with a decision, rule, opinion, etc.
To enter a place or area for a specific reason.
Go over
Have on ...
Hold оff
Hurry up
Keep оff
To disappoint someone.
Keep ............ the keys. They have to be somewhere.
Don’t worry about it. I’ll ......... a meeting between Jake and you when I get to the office.
To try to play with or repair a device that you have no true knowledge about.
To pay all the money that is owed or asked for.
Could you .........the baby for a few hours ?
Having a lot of vitamin C in your diet can help ...... infections.
Plug in
Don’t get nervous. We’ll .......... a solution to the problem.
The bus stopped and I ....... .
Have you ......... a dress to wear at the party?
Don’t worry, we’ll try to ......... the problems and find a solution for everyone.
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