Підсумкова робота з теми "Лондон"

Додано: 14 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 437 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

London is the capital of the UK and the capital of…

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Запитання 2

The official London residence of the Queen is…

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Westminster Abbey  

The Tower of London   

Buckingham Palace 

Запитання 3

…….is famous for its Whispering Gallery.

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St. Paul’s Cathedral   

Westminster Abbey  

The Houses of Parliament

Запитання 4

The black ravens live in….

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the Houses of Parliament  

the Tower of London  

the Buckingham Palace

Запитання 5

The National gallery is ….

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next to the Buckingham Palace  

in Trafalgar Square 

is the home of the Queen

Запитання 6

London Eye is….

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a museum  

a wheel  

a park

Запитання 7

The Tower of London is……today.

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a prison   

a gallery   

a museum

Запитання 8

There are a lot of cinemas and theatres in…

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the City   

the East End  

the West End

Запитання 9

The symbol of England is….

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a daffodil   

a rose   

a tulip

Запитання 10

The symbol of Wales is….

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a daffodil   

a rose  

a tulip

Запитання 11

You can go boating in this park

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Green Park   

St Jame’s park  

Hyde Park

Запитання 12

In this park there are only daffodils,no buildings and few monuments

варіанти відповідей

Green Park  

Hyde Park  

St.Jame’s Park 

Запитання 13

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 14

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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is arriving

Запитання 15

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 16

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 17

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 18

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 19

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 20

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 21

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 22

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 23

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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was enjoying

Запитання 24

Open the brackets and use the vebs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to  have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the  airport late on  Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though  it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which  was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the  art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of  famous paintings there and   my friend and I really(11)______(to  enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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