Prepare 5 (НУШ) units 1-4 test

Додано: 18 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Копія з тесту: Prepare 5 (НУШ) units 1-4 test
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

 Hi, I’m Peter. What’s you’re / your name?

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Запитання 2

Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

 That’s I / my dad. He’s a teacher.

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Запитання 3

Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

 Luisa and her friend are Mexico / Mexican.

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Запитання 4

Complete the sentences with the word.

 I’m sorry, I haven’t got a              . Can you tell me the time?

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Запитання 5

Complete the sentences with the word.

Gemma is _____. She isn`t sad.

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Запитання 6

Complete the text with the word.

Hello. I’m David. This is my family.

This is my                 . Her name’s Helena.

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Запитання 7

Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

My parent’s / parents are Nora and Ben. They’re from Manchester.

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Запитання 8

Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

 My brothers / brother’s friends Luisa and Ana are from Brazil.

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Запитання 9

Choose the right answer.

Are you tired?

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No, I`m not

No, they aren`t

Запитання 10

Answer the question.

How old is he?

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His is 10.

He`s 10.

Запитання 11

Complete the sentences with the word.

This is my mum and dad. My dad is called Mike and my         name is Anna.

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mum is

Запитання 12

Complete the sentences with the word.

_______ lots of pictures on the walls.

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There are

Запитання 13

Complete the words connected to the home.

This is where you sleep.

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Запитання 14

Choose the right word to complete the text.

In her ________, she’s got a rug, a sofa and a TV.

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living room


Запитання 15

Put the letters in the right order to make words connected to the home.


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Запитання 16

Put the letters in the right order to make words connected to the home.


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Запитання 17

Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

mobile phone / has / Mary / got / a

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Marry has a got mobile phone

Marry has got a mobile phone

Запитання 18

Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

Peter and Clare / children / got / have / two

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We got have two Peter and Clare children

We have got two children Peter and Clare

Запитання 19

Make sentences. Use have got/’ve got and has got/’s got and the words given.

 My friend / a baby sister

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My friend`s got a baby sister

My friend have got a baby sister

Запитання 20

Make sentences. Use haven`t got and hasn`t got and the words given.

Peter and Clare / two children

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Peter and Clare haven`t got two children

Peter and Clare hasn`t got two children

Запитання 21

Complete the sentence.

A:                   Paul and Katie got a nice teacher?

B: Yes,                                                             .

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Have \ they have

Has \ he have

Запитання 22

Complete the sentences. 

A:                   your father got a football?

B: No,                                                              .

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Have \ you haven`t

Has \ he hasn`t

Запитання 23

Make answers.

Has your teacher got a computer?

Yes, she ______.

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has got


Запитання 24

Choose the right word.

A: Who’s this?

B: That is my desk / my friend.

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my desk

my friend

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