look for
Have you _______kayaked down a river?
I have _____visited safari park.
you can buy bread and biscuits here
it's a big shopping center with lots of shops.
you can buy magazines here
you buy sun scream here in summer
you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables there
обери ІІ та ІІІ форму дієслова
обери ІІ та ІІІ форму дієслова
обери ІІ та ІІІ форму дієслова
обери ІІ та ІІІ форму дієслова
I ___ already _____ this film.
She ____ just _____ her arm.
_____ you ever_____ a horse?
has / Jane/ slept/ not / under/ yet / the stars.
never / picked/ have/ We/ fruit/ wild.
Have you__________ done your homework?
My parents give me ______ every week.
Choose the correct sentence
you buy food in
The ticket price for the Kyiv Zoo is 98___
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