I. Choose the right word to complete the sentence.
You can always _________the meaning of the word if you're not sure.
Our teacher often gives us _________ about English culture to read.
Katie keeps a _________ of new words in her bag so she can learn a few every day.
It can be difficult to ________ English words because of the pronunciation.
David makes a lot of __________ because he doesn't pay attention.
Sarah speaks Spanish so she can __________ the text for you if you don't understand.
When I don't understand something I use the dictionary to _________ the word and its meaning.
We've done a lot of _________ on the Present Perfect.
2. Match the written numbers to the correct numbers.
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four
three hundred and eight million
three billion
seven hundred and twenty-four
eight thousand three hundred and seventy-four
thirty-eight million
nine million
sixty-two million five hundred and six thousand
III. Choose the correct form to complete the sentence.
1. I __________ my homework yet.
2. Dad __________ home very late last night.
3. Lisa ________ Tom since their first day at school.
4. When ________ the last Batman film?
5. We ________ Rob's party because there weren't many people there.
6. _____________ an elephant?
7. My parents ____________ bicycles for all of us.
8. The film __________ ten minutes ago.
IV. Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple.
1. I _________ (love) the concert. The band was brilliant.
2. When _______ Clare ________ (enter) the competition?
3. Mum ___________ (see) her sister since she went to live in Australia.
4. We ________ (meet) Charles for the first time last week.
5. I __________ (play) my guitar since last month.
6. Sally __________ (make) a birthday cake for her mum yesterday.
7. I ___________ (sell) my old laptop last year.
8. _________ you ________ (listen) to the new song yet?
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