Put the sentence into a negative form (заперечна )
Bob has just entered the shop.
Put the sentence into a negative form. (заперечна)
They have already read this book.
Put the sentence into a negative form. (заперечна)
Mum has already baked a cake.
Put the sentence into a negative form. (заперечна)
The children have just made a present for their mum.
Put the sentence into a interrogative form. (питальна)
A happy smile has appeared on her face.
Put the sentence into a interrogative form. (питальна)
Mike and I have done Maths for today.
Put the sentence into a interrogative form. (питальна)
They have brought all of the chairs.
Make up the question with these words. - (питання)
come late/ school
Make up the question with these words. (питання)
go fishing
Make up the question with these words. (питання)
do/ morning exercises
Make up the question with these words. (питання)
listen to / English songs
Створюйте онлайн-тести
для контролю знань і залучення учнів
до активної роботи у класі та вдома