Present Tenses /p. 8-9/

Додано: 10 вересня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
25 запитань
Запитання 1

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

Не (to work) in the centre of Chicago.

варіанти відповідей


do works

is working

does working


are working

Запитання 2

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

He (to work) in the centre of Chicago?

варіанти відповідей

Does he work …?

Do he works …?

Is he working …?

Does he working …?

Does he works …?

Are he working …?

Запитання 3

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

He (not to work) in the centre of Chicago.

варіанти відповідей

He not works … .

He isn’t work … .

He don’t work … .

He doesn’t work … .

He aren’t working … .

He doesn’t working … .

Запитання 4

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

They (to read) a lot of books.

варіанти відповідей

They are reading … .

They reads … .

They do reading … .

They read … .

They does reading … .

They reading … .

Запитання 5

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

When you (to sleep)?

варіанти відповідей

When do you sleeping?

When are you sleeping?

When does you sleep?

When are you sleep?

When does you sleeping?

When do you sleep?

Запитання 6

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

You (to play) volleyball well?

варіанти відповідей

Do you playing …?

Do you play …?

Does you play …?

Does you playing …?

Are you playing …?

Do you plays …?

Запитання 7

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

We (not to dance) every day.

варіанти відповідей

We does not dancing … .

We do not dancing … .

We aren't dance … .

We doesn't dance … .

We don't dance … .

We are not dancing … .

Запитання 8

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

He (not to sleep) after dinner.

варіанти відповідей

He does not sleep … .

He do not sleep … .

He doesn't sleeping … .

He aren't sleeps … .

He don't sleeping … .

He not sleeping … .

Запитання 9

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

The children (to eat) soup now?

варіанти відповідей

Does the children eat …?

Does the children eating …?

Are the children eating …?

Are the children eat …?

Do the children eating …?

Is the children eating …?

Запитання 10

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

The children (not to eat) soup now.

варіанти відповідей

The children is not eating … .

The children have not eating … .

The children do not eating … .

The children does not eating … .

The children has not eating … .

The children are not eating … .

Запитання 11

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

When you (to play) volleyball?

варіанти відповідей

When does you play … ?

When do you play … ?

When are you playing … ?

When is you playing … ?

When have you play … ?

When has you playing … ?

Запитання 12

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

What Nick (to do) in the evening?

варіанти відповідей

What do Nick do … ?

What does Nick do … ?

What is Nick do … ?

What has Nick do … ?

What is Nick doing … ?

What have Nick doing … ?

Запитання 13

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

He (to go) to the cinema in the evening?

варіанти відповідей

Does he goes … ?

Do he goes … ?

Is he go … ?

Has he go … ?

Does he go … ?

Is he going … ?

Запитання 14

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

They (not to read) many books.

варіанти відповідей

They do not read … .

They do not reading … .

They does not read … .

They does not reading … .

They have not read … .

They have not reading … .

Запитання 15

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

Look! Kate (to dance).

варіанти відповідей

Kate does dancing.

Kate has dancing.

Kate are dancing.

Kate dances.

Kate is dancing.

Kate have dancing.

Запитання 16

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

Mary (to sing) well?

варіанти відповідей

Is Mary singing …?

Are Mary singing …?

Does Mary sing …?

Has Mary singing …?

Have Mary sing …?

Is Mary sing …?

Запитання 17

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

Where he (to go) in the morning?

варіанти відповідей

Where has he going …?

Where is he going …?

Where does he go …?

Where does he going …?

Where do he goes …?

Where has he go …?

Запитання 18

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

The children (to eat) soup now.

варіанти відповідей

The children is eating … .

The children are eating … .

The children have eating … .

The children has eating … .

The children do eating … .

The children does eating … .

Запитання 19

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

My granny (to sleep) after dinner.

варіанти відповідей

My granny is sleeping … .

My granny do sleeps … .

My granny does sleep … .

My granny sleeping … .

My granny sleep … .

My granny sleeps … .

Запитання 20

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Simple or Present Continuous

They (to read) many books?

варіанти відповідей

Do they read … ?

Does they read … ?

Do they reads … ?

Are they reading … ?

Is they reading … ?

Is they read … ?

Запитання 21

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Continuous or Present Perfect

What’s the matter? Why he (to stop)?

варіанти відповідей

Why he has stopped?

Why is he stopping?

Why does he stopped?

Why has he stopped?

Why does he stop?

Why has he stop?

Запитання 22

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Continuous or Present Perfect

My cousin (to look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet.

варіанти відповідей

My cousin is looking for a job, but he doesn’t found a job yet.

My cousin looks for a job, but he hasn’t found a job yet.

My cousin is looking for a job, but he doesn’t find a job yet.

My cousin is looking for a job, but he hasn’t found a job yet.

My cousin look for a job, but he hasn’t found a job yet.

My cousin does looking for a job, but he hasn’t found a job yet.

Запитання 23

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Continuous or Present Perfect

What you (to study) now?

варіанти відповідей

What do you studying now?

What are you study now?

What are you studying now?

What have you studying now?

What have you studied now?

What do you studied now?

Запитання 24

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Continuous or Present Perfect

Sophie is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson.

варіанти відповідей

She has knitting a sweater for her grandson.

She does knitting a sweater for her grandson.

She is knitting a sweater for her grandson.

She knitting a sweater for her grandson.

She is knit a sweater for her grandson.

She is knittings a sweater for her grandson.

Запитання 25

Tick (√) the correct forms of the verbs: Present Continuous or Present Perfect

Johnny, who finally (to find) a new job, (to give) a big party.

варіанти відповідей

Johnny, who has finally found a new job, is giving a big party.

Johnny, who has finally found a new job, gives a big party.

Johnny, who has finally found a new job, give a big party.

Johnny, who has finally find a new job, is giving a big party.

Johnny, who is finally found a new job, is giving a big party.

Johnny, who is finally find a new job, is giving a big party.

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