a piece of paper to show that you have paid for a journey
a boat that takes people, goods and vehicles across an area of water
a vehicle with two wheels and an engine
a system of trains which travel under a city
a vehicle that flies
allowing you to travel to a place and back again
to have a price
a vehicle with four wheels that carries a small number of passengers
a bus for long journeys
a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere
a long vehicle which travels along metal tracks
allowing you to take a one-way trip
somebody who buys goods or services, from a shop, company, etc
a motorcycle or a bicycle
allowing you to travel to a place and back again
I don't want to take a bus, let's go ...
My Dad prefers to travel ... because it's the fastest means of transport.
A bike is the cheapest ... of transport.
I think that a car and a train are the most comfortable ... of transport.
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