If you make money from painting or drawing then you are .
If you try to find work then you
Students at schools are also called
A job that is from 9 to 5, five days a week is called a job.
We call someone who shows people around famous places or buildings a .
The place where many people go to study after finishing school is a .
If you are a shop assistant, then you work a shop assistant.
A works in a restaurant making the food for customers.
If your job is to look after people in a hospital, you are .
If a company doesn’t want someone any more then they .
Teachers at schools are also called .
A job that is from 11 to 2, three days a week is called a job.
We call someone who delivers things around a city a .
The place where many people go to study after finishing primary school is a .
If you do office work, then you work an office.
People come to me when they arrive at the hotel
I design new buildings
I fix cars.
I write stories for newspapers.
I paint pictures.
I work outside and I keep cows and pigs.
I cook meals for people in my restaurant.
I fly planes and helicopters.
She answers the phone in an office or a hotel.
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