QM 4. Test. Reading. (I Term)

Додано: 21 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 204 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

Bob’s brother is 21 years old.    

Ben’s brother is 21 years old.    

Bob is 21 years old.    

Bob's sister is 21 years old.    

Запитання 2

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

The boys are downstairs, near the hall.                           

The boys are upstairs, next to the hall.                           

The boys are downstairs, next to the hall.                           

The boys are downstairs, next to the dining hall.                           

Запитання 3

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

They are going to put some cheese in their sandwiches.        

They aren’t going to put some sausages in their sandwiches.        

They aren’t going to put some cheese in their sandwiches.        

They aren’t going to put some vegetables in their sandwiches.        

Запитання 4

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

In Bob’s sandwich there are some carrots, but there aren't any onions. 

In Ben’s sandwich there aren’t any carrots, but there are some onions. 

In Bob's sandwich there are some carrots and onions.

In Bob’s sandwich there aren’t any carrots, but there are some onions. 

Запитання 5

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

There is some salad and some butter in their sandwiches. 

There is some cheese and some butter in their sandwiches. 

There is some chicken and some butter in their sandwiches. 

There is some fish and some butter in their sandwiches. 

Запитання 6

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

Bob doesn't like tomatoes.

Ben doesn't like tomatoes. 

Запитання 7

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

The sandwiches are not tasty.

The burgers are tasty.

The burgers are not tasty.

The sandwiches are tasty.

Запитання 8

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

Bob usually goes fishing at the weekends.

Ben usually goes fishing at the weekends.

Запитання 9

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

There are some tomatoes in Ben's sandwich.

There are some tomatoes in their sandwiches.

There are some tomatoes in Bob's sandwich.

Запитання 10

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

There is some ham in Ben’s sandwich.

There is some ham in their sandwiches.

There is some ham in Bob’s sandwich.

Запитання 11

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

Ben is in the kitchen on Sunday.

Bob is in the kitchen on Sunday.

Bob and Ben are in the kitchen on Sunday.

Запитання 12

Read. Choose.

This is my friend Ben. He is twenty – one years old. He usually goes fishing on Sundays, but today he is in the kitchen with his brother Bob. It’s downstairs, next to the hall. It’s half past seven. They are going to make two sandwiches. They are going to put some sausages, some salad, some butter and some vegetables. There aren’t any onions in Ben’s sandwich. He likes tomatoes! There are some onions, but there aren’t any carrots in Bob’s sandwich. There isn’t any cheese in their sandwiches, but there is some ham. They’re very tasty!

варіанти відповідей

It’s 6:30 am today.

It’s 7:30 am today.

It's 7:45 am today.

It's 6:45 am today.

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