Question Words. Питальні речення

Додано: 2 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 146 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.


варіанти відповідей

What is she brother's name?

What is the brother's name?

What is her brother's name?

Запитання 2

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

2. 34.

варіанти відповідей

How old is David?

How many years has David?

How many years does David have?

Запитання 3

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

3. He is a teacher like his sister.

варіанти відповідей

What is the work of  David?

What is David's work?

What is David's job?

Запитання 4

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

4. In Scotland?

варіанти відповідей

Where does live David?

Where lives David? 

Where does David live?

Запитання 5

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

5. No, he doesn't. He lives in an apartment?

варіанти відповідей

David lives in a house?

Does David live in a house?

David doesn't live in a house?

Запитання 6

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

6. In August. So he's a Leo.

варіанти відповідей

When is his birthday?

When is he born?

When his birthday is?

Запитання 7

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

7. Yes, he is. To Jane, who is 31 years old.

варіанти відповідей

He is married?

Is he married?

Does he married?

Запитання 8

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

8. She is an actress.

варіанти відповідей

What is Jane job?

What do Jane do?

What does Jane do?

Запитання 9

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

9. Yes, they do. A BMW.

варіанти відповідей

Have they a car?

Do they has a car?

Do they have a car?

Запитання 10

Використовуйте наступну інформацію, щоб задати правильне запитання про брата Мері.

           Mary is a teacher who lives in Melbourne, Australia. She is 32 years old, has blonde hair and has a brother called David. David is 34 years old and is also a teacher. David lives in Scotland in a small apartment. His birthday is in August. He's married to Jane, who is 31 and is an actress. They have a red BMW.

10. It's red.

варіанти відповідей

What colour is the car?

What is the colour car?

What colour the car is?

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