Rain or Shine

Choose the correct item.

Додано: 4 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 65 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

The winds were so …….. last night that they blew down some trees.


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Запитання 2

There was a …….. sky overhead and the sun was shining, so we decided to have a picnic.


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Запитання 3

Our house flooded because of last night’s torrential …….. .


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Запитання 4

I couldn’t hear the TV over the sound of the …….. .


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Запитання 5

Barry couldn’t wait to see his friends from university; he was really ……..!


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Запитання 6

Anna put on her …….. to walk through the muddy field.


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Запитання 7

They decided to cancel their trip to the mountains because it was …….. with rain!


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Запитання 8

The people …….. the god of thunder to send rain.


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Запитання 9

Suddenly, there was a flash of …….. and it started to rain.



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Запитання 10

My dad wears a …….. and tie to work because he has to wear formal clothes.


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Запитання 11

In the Kenyan legend, the god of thunder used spears to pierce the …….. and make it rain.


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Запитання 12

There was a gentle but chilly …….. blowing so I put on my scarf.


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  D  weather

Запитання 13

Read the text below. Complete the gaps (1-3) with appropriate words (A-F) from the box to obtain a grammatically and lexically correct text. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate letters. There are three extra words that do not match any of the gaps


The weather forecast for the weekend was good so we decided to go on a camping trip. We packed our equipment and set off early in the morning. When we arrived we put up our tent and went for a hike up the mountain. The sun was 1) …………………………. as we started our climb but that soon changed. 

варіанти відповідей

A heavily                                               


 B  fog    

 C  shining

 D  flashing    

 E  terribly

  F  clouds

Запитання 14

Halfway up the mountain dark 2) …………………………. formed overhead and it started to rain.

варіанти відповідей

A  heavily                                         


 C  shining   

D flashing

  E  terribly

F ... clouds

Запитання 15

It rained 3) …………………………. for two hours. When we finally managed to get back to our camp we were soaked to the skin!

варіанти відповідей

A heavily                                               


B  fog  

C  shining 

D  flashing  

 E  terribly

F  clouds

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