Reading 1 сем

Додано: 12 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 521 раз
37 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text below. For questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

Give teens a break.

Teenagers experience all kinds of problems - lack of self-confidence, nagging parents, peer pressure, doing well in exams and getting into university. Some of their problems result from the emotional and physical changes they are going through.

Teenagers ar extremely concerned about their appearance. So, it's no wonder they spend so much much time in front of the mirror! They notice every single thing about themselves, such as their body changing shape and annoying spots breaking out.Teenagers are rarely happy about these changes, which can affect how they feel about themselves.

Sometimes, parents hurt their teenage children's feelings by making jokes about their appearance. They also tend to pay little attention to teenage worries and think of them as being silly. Your daughter may be convinced that her nose looks awful and that plastic surgery is the only solution, even though everubody else fails to notice the problem. By trying to explain that other people do not normally pay as much attention to our physical features as we do ourselves, we can help teenagers feel better about themselves and become more confident.

Teenages also tend to avoid doing things they don't likr. especially helping around the house. They are likely to try to get out of doing housework - and certainly don't respond well to others. The more you discuss the type of housework your teenage son or daughter might not mind doing, the better. He or she, for example, may be happy to go to the supermarket, but hate the idea of doing the washing-up.

It also works better if your children can, at least to some degree, do things in their own way and time. This might seem annoying, but if all you do is order them around, you can be sure that next time they will not do a thing.

Always thank your children for their effort, and if they do something that's more than just a simple job, such as decorating, you might want to pay them.

1. What does the text say about teenagers?

варіанти відповідей

They are very self-confident

They pay little attention to how the look

They are happy about the changes they are experiencing

They are aware of the physical changes they are going through

Запитання 2

What does the writer advise parents to do?

варіанти відповідей

Support their children if they decide to have plastic surgery

Give them tips on how to improve their appearance

Ignore their concerns

Tell them that they actually look better than they think they do

Запитання 3

When it comes to housework, what do most teenagers do?

варіанти відповідей

They help a lot with it

They usually prefer going to the supermarket

The expect something in return for helping around the house

They find ways not to take part in it

Запитання 4

How can parents make their teenage children help around the house?

варіанти відповідей

By giving them specific instructions about their duties

By makig them feel responsible for their actions

by telling them that they have to become involved

By discussing with them what type of housework they prefer doing

Запитання 5

Which of the following is NOT good advice to parents?

варіанти відповідей

They should thank their children for their effort

They should give their children some money for any job they do

They should let their children do some things the way they want to

They should be willing to take their children's preferences into account

Запитання 6

Read the text and tick (√) the incorrect items

Mytchett Community Centre

Contact: Mrs L. West

140 Mytchett Road, Mytchett, Surrey

Tel: 01252 373073

Contact Mrs L. West on Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings. For details of the current youth work programme log onto our site

варіанти відповідей

This club offers dancing classes. 

You can find out more about this club from its site.

There’s no membership system in this club.

This club works four nights a week.

This club is for people of all the age groups, but first of all for young people.

You can take educational courses in this club.

Запитання 7

Read the text and tick (√) the correct items

The Old Dean Youth Centre

Contact: Mr Jeremy Crouch (Youth Leader)

Kingston Road

Camberley GU15 4AE

Tel: 01276 66225

The centre caters for all sorts of groups of any age. We are first and foremost a Youth Club open four nights a week for young people. We do not have a membership system. We do, however, keep name and address of users for health and safety reasons.

варіанти відповідей

This club offers dancing classes. 

You can find out more about this club from its site.

There’s no membership system in this club.

This club works four nights a week.

This club is for people of all the age groups, but first of all for young people.

You can take educational courses in this club.

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the correct words 

One of the world’s most (1)… seriously / serious problems is the use of child labour. June 12 is the World Day Against Child Labour. All around the world people will take (2)… apart / part in activities to raise awareness of the damage child labour (3)… does / doing to children, families and societies. The day is also one on which the world (4)… promotion / promotes the human rights of children. The United Nations (5)… set / let out in its Millennium Development Goals a number of targets to help prevent child labour. By 2015, it hopes all children (6)… compete / complete their primary education and that there is (7)… equals / equality in education. To do this, governments must take steps to reduce poverty and (8)… provide / provision enough jobs for adults. These are the two main reasons why we have child labour today.

варіанти відповідей

1) seriously

1) serious

2) apart

2) part

3) does

3) doing

4) promotion

4) promotes

Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the correct words 

One of the world’s most (1)… seriously / serious problems is the use of child labour. June 12 is the World Day Against Child Labour. All around the world people will take (2)… apart / part in activities to raise awareness of the damage child labour (3)… does / doing to children, families and societies. The day is also one on which the world (4)… promotion / promotes the human rights of children. The United Nations (5)… set / let out in its Millennium Development Goals a number of targets to help prevent child labour. By 2015, it hopes all children (6)… compete / complete their primary education and that there is (7)… equals / equality in education. To do this, governments must take steps to reduce poverty and (8)… provide / provision enough jobs for adults. These are the two main reasons why we have child labour today.

варіанти відповідей

5) set

5) let

6) compete

6) complete

7) equals

7) equality

8) provide

8) provision

Запитання 10

Read the passage and choose the proper topic

The punk subculture appeared in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa in the mid-to-late-1970s, and has since undergone several developments.

варіанти відповідей


History of Punk Culture

Lifestyle and Characteristics





Запитання 11

Read the passage and choose the proper topic

The punk subculture is centred around listening to recordings or live concerts of a loud, aggressive genre of rock music. Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. It is rooted in garage rock and other forms of what is now known as protopunk music, usually shortened to punk. Most punk rock uses guitars and noisy drumming that are derived from 1960s garage rock.

варіанти відповідей


History of Punk Culture

Lifestyle and Characteristics





Запитання 12

Read the passage and choose the proper topic

Punks try to shock people with the highly theatrical use of clothing: ripped clothing is held together by safety pins or wrapped with tape; ordinary clothing is decorated with marker or with paint; a black basket liner becomes a dress, shirt or skirt; safety pins and razor blades are used as jewellery.

варіанти відповідей


History of Punk Culture

Lifestyle and Characteristics





Запитання 13

Read the passage and choose the proper topic

Some punks make their hair stand in spikes, cut it into Mohawks (a hairstyle which consists of shaving both sides of the head, leaving a strip of noticeably longer hair) or other dramatic shapes, often colouring it with vibrant, unnatural colours.

варіанти відповідей


History of Punk Culture

Lifestyle and Characteristics





Запитання 14

Read the passage and choose the proper topic

The punk subculture has developed a variety of dancing styles, which appear chaotic and violent.

варіанти відповідей


History of Punk Culture

Lifestyle and Characteristics





Запитання 15

... your homework yet? 

варіанти відповідей

Have you done

You have done

Запитання 16

I’ve ...... my food.

варіанти відповідей

already finished

finished already

Запитання 17

Have you had dinner ........ ? 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 18

Jack has ......... called. I’ve spoken to him.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 19

........... never been to the US.

варіанти відповідей


I haven’t

Запитання 20

....... anybody arrived at the party yet?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 21

Bill ......... dinner.

варіанти відповідей

has just eaten

just has eaten

Запитання 22

I ............. (not see) you at swimming club this week! Are you OK?

варіанти відповідей

haven’t seen

hasn't see

not have seen

Запитання 23

......... (you / be) busy?

варіанти відповідей

Have been you

Have you been

You have been

Запитання 24

We ........ (do) some great races this week.

варіанти відповідей


has done

have done

Запитання 25

....... (your brother / tell) you about our new swimming instructor yet? 

варіанти відповідей

Has your brothe tell

Has your brothe told

Has your brother telled

Запитання 26

Some club members ............... (already / change) the snacks they eat, and they feel better. 

варіанти відповідей

have already changed

already have changed

have changed already

Запитання 27

I ........... (never / think) about it, so I need to talk to my mum! 

варіанти відповідей

never have thought

have never think

have never thought

Запитання 28

He ________ tennis with me yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

didn't play

not played

did not played

was not played

Запитання 29

Choose the correct answer:

Lucy ...(read) a book while Kate...(make) dinner in the kitchen

варіанти відповідей

was reading, made

read, made

was reading, was making

Запитання 30

Present Continuous -

варіанти відповідей

actions happening now, timetable, permanent states

result, irritation, temporary action

temporary action, actions happening, nowirritation

result, timetable, actions happening now

Запитання 31

___ have you been staying here?

варіанти відповідей

How long


Hom many times

Запитання 32

... she play tennis with her mother last summer?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 33

7. Dan tried snowboarding when he (go) to the French Alps.

варіанти відповідей


had gone

was going

was gone

Запитання 34

I … water polo in my life.

варіанти відповідей

am never playing

have never played

have never been playing

never play

Запитання 35

He's exhausted because he's…the London Marathon.

варіанти відповідей

already finished

only finished

just finished

hardly finished

Запитання 36

My uncle …. to every football cup final since he was a little boy.

варіанти відповідей

is going

has been



Запитання 37

Jeremy… shopping twice this week.

варіанти відповідей

is already going

has already been

goes already

has gone to

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