У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна придбати те, що вказано на ілюстрації?
У якому магазині можна зустріти те, що знаходиться на ілюстрації?
Де можна замовити те, що знаходиться на ілюстрації?
де можна зустріти чоловіка у такому одязі?
Прочитайте текст та оберіть всі правдиві твердження.
Shops and Shopping
There are different kinds of shops. Some of them sell bread. Others have tea, sugar, coffee, butter, cheese, sausages, meal and fruit. When we want to buy something, we take our shopping bag and go to a shop. There we can see shop assistants who sell things and help us. Many people do their shopping at the market. There the farmers sell the vegetables and fruit which they grow themselves. They sell meat, milk and other things, too. Large shops with many departments are department stores. In these stores we can buy almost all we want. In the windows we see all the things which they sell there-food, suits, dresses, coats, boots, shoes, radio and TV sets and many other things. Shops are very important on our life. In the past there were no supermarkets, but there were a lot of small shops. Fifty years ago people went to the shops almost every day. They went to the butcher’s to buy meat. They went to the grocer’s for tea, sugar, flour and cheese. They bought butter and milk at the dairy. They bought bread at the baker’s. They got fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s. Customers pointed to all the packets, bottles, boxes, cans, cartons, jars and tins they wanted to buy.
Правильно написано переклад слів baker's, sour-cream, pasta, pound, to sell у ..... рядку
Complete the sentence ( Доповніть речення правильним словом)
People usually buy some sugar or flour at the ....
Every coin in Ukraine has __________ on one side of it.
In Great Britain there is __________ on every coin.
My Mum bought a_______ for my little sister at the ________.
We haven't ________ apples in the fridge.
There _______ ______ cheese on the table
They haven't got _______ pizza on the plate.
________ there __________ onions on the table?
There _______ __________ meat for the soup
There are ________ cookies in the __________.
Are there ________ _____________ of jam in the cupboard?
There _____ a small __________ of ham.
You can wear a costume of a pirate there. ☠
You can choose a nice toy for your younger brother or sister there.
You go there to buy a box of traditional chocolates.
It is an exciting place to shop for girls.
You can learn to do some crafts there.
It is the world's largest entertainment shop.
This shop has seven floors.
This shop is in Russell Street.
There are a lot of accessories in this shop.
There are a lot of books
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