
Додано: 24 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 91 раз
5 запитань
Запитання 1


Unfortunately, the fight against dress codes is difficult. Many times it can be hard to sway administrators to make changes to their policy. However, you can try some things that could help you gain some leeway as far as your clothing goes/


to sway - to cause something to move or change

leeway - freedom to do what you want

варіанти відповідей

A Understand School Dress Codes 

В Become Involved

C Read Policy

D Start a Petition

E Update the Rules

F Have a crack at it (Try it)

G Start Picketing

H Communicate with Administrators

Запитання 2

Become familiar with all of the rules. You may find some of them are outdated and could use an update. This will also help your case when you start talking to administrators.

варіанти відповідей

A Understand School Dress Codes 

В Become Involved

C Read Policy

E Update the Rules

F Have a crack at it

G Start Picketing

H Communicate with Administrators

Запитання 3

3_______________________ ____

Set up a meeting with your principal to discuss exactly what you believe is unfair about the policy. Ask him or her for suggestions on how you can have certain guidelines changed.

варіанти відповідей

A Understand School Dress Codes 

В Become Involved

C Read Policy

D Start a Petition

E Update the Rules

F Have a crack at it

G Start Picketing

H Communicate with Administrators

Запитання 4


If other students agree with you, enlist their help in your campaign in having the policy changed. Write a short introduction about what changes you would like to see on a piece of paper and then have other students sign it.

варіанти відповідей

A Understand School Dress Codes 

В Become Involved

C Read Policy

D Start a Petition

E Update the Rules

F Have a crack at it

G Start Picketing

H Communicate with Administrators

Запитання 5

5 _____________________________

If there are board meetings you can attend, make a point to go with a parent. Making yourself known by people that create the rules will help you gain some advantage.

варіанти відповідей

A Understand School Dress Codes 

В Become Involved

C Read Policy

D Start a Petition

E Update the Rules

F Have a crack at it

G Start Picketing

H Communicate with Administrators

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