
Додано: 12 лютого 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 50 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

The people below have all done something to get ready for a friend’s surprise party. Read the six things the people have done and decide who is speaking in texts A–F. For the question choose the correct letter (A–F). There is one letter which you do not need to use.

A So, let’s see what I’ve done. I’ve been to the supermarket and I’ve bought lots of snacks. Have I ordered the cake? Yes, I have. Have I ordered the pizzas? No, not yet, it’s still too early. Have I put the drinks on the table for the guests? Yes, I have. Great! I’m ready!

B Right! That’s that! I made the list of people that we wanted to ask to come to the surprise party yesterday and I’ve just been online telling everyone all about where the party is and what time they should get here. Look! I’ve already got three replies!

C … and I’ve finished! Wow, the coloured lights look amazing! Oh, I haven’t put any in the kitchen yet. Oh, well, in a minute. I’ve done a fantastic job with the balloons – I’ve put them everywhere!

D I’m so confused! I’ve got these three things for Pete’s surprise party and I don’t know which one to give him. It’s almost time for the party and I still haven’t decided … the book, the shirt or the fishing rod? I’ve never been good at deciding things!

E That’s better. I’ve cleaned the floor where people spilled their drinks and I’ve collected all the decorations that the dog got and put them in the bin.

F Let me think. Here are the CDs I’ve chosen to play at the party. Oh, and I’ve got all the songs that I’ve put onto my MP3 player. Cool!

Omar has put up the decorations. _____

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Запитання 2

The people below have all done something to get ready for a friend’s surprise party. Read the six things the people have done and decide who is speaking in texts A–F. For the question choose the correct letter (A–F). There is one letter which you do not need to use.

 A So, let’s see what I’ve done. I’ve been to the supermarket and I’ve bought lots of snacks. Have I ordered the cake? Yes, I have. Have I ordered the pizzas? No, not yet, it’s still too early. Have I put the drinks on the table for the guests? Yes, I have. Great! I’m ready!

B Right! That’s that! I made the list of people that we wanted to ask to come to the surprise party yesterday and I’ve just been online telling everyone all about where the party is and what time they should get here. Look! I’ve already got three replies!

C … and I’ve finished! Wow, the coloured lights look amazing! Oh, I haven’t put any in the kitchen yet. Oh, well, in a minute. I’ve done a fantastic job with the balloons – I’ve put them everywhere!

D I’m so confused! I’ve got these three things for Pete’s surprise party and I don’t know which one to give him. It’s almost time for the party and I still haven’t decided … the book, the shirt or the fishing rod? I’ve never been good at deciding things!

E That’s better. I’ve cleaned the floor where people spilled their drinks and I’ve collected all the decorations that the dog got and put them in the bin.

F Let me think. Here are the CDs I’ve chosen to play at the party. Oh, and I’ve got all the songs that I’ve put onto my MP3 player. Cool!

Diego has organised the music. _____

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Запитання 3

The people below have all done something to get ready for a friend’s surprise party. Read the six things the people have done and decide who is speaking in texts A–F. For the question choose the correct letter (A–F). There is one letter which you do not need to use.

 A So, let’s see what I’ve done. I’ve been to the supermarket and I’ve bought lots of snacks. Have I ordered the cake? Yes, I have. Have I ordered the pizzas? No, not yet, it’s still too early. Have I put the drinks on the table for the guests? Yes, I have. Great! I’m ready!

B Right! That’s that! I made the list of people that we wanted to ask to come to the surprise party yesterday and I’ve just been online telling everyone all about where the party is and what time they should get here. Look! I’ve already got three replies!

C … and I’ve finished! Wow, the coloured lights look amazing! Oh, I haven’t put any in the kitchen yet. Oh, well, in a minute. I’ve done a fantastic job with the balloons – I’ve put them everywhere!

D I’m so confused! I’ve got these three things for Pete’s surprise party and I don’t know which one to give him. It’s almost time for the party and I still haven’t decided … the book, the shirt or the fishing rod? I’ve never been good at deciding things!

E That’s better. I’ve cleaned the floor where people spilled their drinks and I’ve collected all the decorations that the dog got and put them in the bin.

F Let me think. Here are the CDs I’ve chosen to play at the party. Oh, and I’ve got all the songs that I’ve put onto my MP3 player. Cool!

Beatrice has bought the present. _____

варіанти відповідей







Запитання 4

The people below have all done something to get ready for a friend’s surprise party. Read the six things the people have done and decide who is speaking in texts A–F. For the question choose the correct letter (A–F). There is one letter which you do not need to use.

 A So, let’s see what I’ve done. I’ve been to the supermarket and I’ve bought lots of snacks. Have I ordered the cake? Yes, I have. Have I ordered the pizzas? No, not yet, it’s still too early. Have I put the drinks on the table for the guests? Yes, I have. Great! I’m ready!

B Right! That’s that! I made the list of people that we wanted to ask to come to the surprise party yesterday and I’ve just been online telling everyone all about where the party is and what time they should get here. Look! I’ve already got three replies!

C … and I’ve finished! Wow, the coloured lights look amazing! Oh, I haven’t put any in the kitchen yet. Oh, well, in a minute. I’ve done a fantastic job with the balloons – I’ve put them everywhere!

D I’m so confused! I’ve got these three things for Pete’s surprise party and I don’t know which one to give him. It’s almost time for the party and I still haven’t decided … the book, the shirt or the fishing rod? I’ve never been good at deciding things!

E That’s better. I’ve cleaned the floor where people spilled their drinks and I’ve collected all the decorations that the dog got and put them in the bin.

F Let me think. Here are the CDs I’ve chosen to play at the party. Oh, and I’ve got all the songs that I’ve put onto my MP3 player. Cool!

Linda has organised the refreshments. _____

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Запитання 5

The people below have all done something to get ready for a friend’s surprise party. Read the six things the people have done and decide who is speaking in texts A–F. For the question choose the correct letter (A–F). There is one letter which you do not need to use.

 A So, let’s see what I’ve done. I’ve been to the supermarket and I’ve bought lots of snacks. Have I ordered the cake? Yes, I have. Have I ordered the pizzas? No, not yet, it’s still too early. Have I put the drinks on the table for the guests? Yes, I have. Great! I’m ready!

B Right! That’s that! I made the list of people that we wanted to ask to come to the surprise party yesterday and I’ve just been online telling everyone all about where the party is and what time they should get here. Look! I’ve already got three replies!

C … and I’ve finished! Wow, the coloured lights look amazing! Oh, I haven’t put any in the kitchen yet. Oh, well, in a minute. I’ve done a fantastic job with the balloons – I’ve put them everywhere!

D I’m so confused! I’ve got these three things for Pete’s surprise party and I don’t know which one to give him. It’s almost time for the party and I still haven’t decided … the book, the shirt or the fishing rod? I’ve never been good at deciding things!

E That’s better. I’ve cleaned the floor where people spilled their drinks and I’ve collected all the decorations that the dog got and put them in the bin.

F Let me think. Here are the CDs I’ve chosen to play at the party. Oh, and I’ve got all the songs that I’ve put onto my MP3 player. Cool!

Matt has invited the guests. _____

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