
Додано: 4 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 134 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Text 2 An Amazing Discovery

 It was 1922. Archeologists Howard Carter and Lord Caernarvon were in Egypt, searching for the remains of kings who had lived thousands of years before. For six years they had worked in the desert, but they had found nothing.

  However, on that day they heard a shout and saw stairs down into the earth. The stairs were cleared and at the bottom there was a door. The door was locked. Inside there was a room full of wonderful things. Everything that was needed for everyday life was there. And many of the things were made of gold.

Later the body of a king was found. He was only eighteen when he died and he was called Tutankhamun. His name was written on many of the objects. He was buried in a gold box called a sarcophagus, inside a series of other boxes. These were all placed inside another room with impressive gold doors. The remains of many ancient Egyptian kings have been excavated, but all of them had been robbed. Only Tutankhamun’s remains were not touched for 3,273 years.


Task. For sentences choose the correct answer

2. That day was different because

варіанти відповідей

someone shouted  

someone found something  

a hole opened in the earth

Запитання 2

Text 2 An Amazing Discovery

 It was 1922. Archeologists Howard Carter and Lord Caernarvon were in Egypt, searching for the remains of kings who had lived thousands of years before. For six years they had worked in the desert, but they had found nothing.

  However, on that day they heard a shout and saw stairs down into the earth. The stairs were cleared and at the bottom there was a door. The door was locked. Inside there was a room full of wonderful things. Everything that was needed for everyday life was there. And many of the things were made of gold.

Later the body of a king was found. He was only eighteen when he died and he was called Tutankhamun. His name was written on many of the objects. He was buried in a gold box called a sarcophagus, inside a series of other boxes. These were all placed inside another room with impressive gold doors. The remains of many ancient Egyptian kings have been excavated, but all of them had been robbed. Only Tutankhamun’s remains were not touched for 3,273 years.


Task. For sentences choose the correct answer

3. Who locked the door?

варіанти відповідей

the dead man    

the man’s family    

we don’t know

Запитання 3

Text 2 An Amazing Discovery

 It was 1922. Archeologists Howard Carter and Lord Caernarvon were in Egypt, searching for the remains of kings who had lived thousands of years before. For six years they had worked in the desert, but they had found nothing.

  However, on that day they heard a shout and saw stairs down into the earth. The stairs were cleared and at the bottom there was a door. The door was locked. Inside there was a room full of wonderful things. Everything that was needed for everyday life was there. And many of the things were made of gold.

Later the body of a king was found. He was only eighteen when he died and he was called Tutankhamun. His name was written on many of the objects. He was buried in a gold box called a sarcophagus, inside a series of other boxes. These were all placed inside another room with impressive gold doors. The remains of many ancient Egyptian kings have been excavated, but all of them had been robbed. Only Tutankhamun’s remains were not touched for 3,273 years.


Task. For sentences choose the correct answer

4. In the room there were …

варіанти відповідей

lots of things used by the dead man while he was alive

things the dead man owned     

a lot of objects made of gold

Запитання 4

Text 2 An Amazing Discovery

 It was 1922. Archeologists Howard Carter and Lord Caernarvon were in Egypt, searching for the remains of kings who had lived thousands of years before. For six years they had worked in the desert, but they had found nothing.

  However, on that day they heard a shout and saw stairs down into the earth. The stairs were cleared and at the bottom there was a door. The door was locked. Inside there was a room full of wonderful things. Everything that was needed for everyday life was there. And many of the things were made of gold.

Later the body of a king was found. He was only eighteen when he died and he was called Tutankhamun. His name was written on many of the objects. He was buried in a gold box called a sarcophagus, inside a series of other boxes. These were all placed inside another room with impressive gold doors. The remains of many ancient Egyptian kings have been excavated, but all of them had been robbed. Only Tutankhamun’s remains were not touched for 3,273 years.


Task. For sentences choose the correct answer

5) Tutanchamun was buried in ….

варіанти відповідей

a number of boxes    

only one box      

a museum

Запитання 5

Directions: Read the text. Choose from the variants the one which best fits each space. There is one choice you do not need to use.

Text 3. The History Of The Bicycle

There are about a billion bicycles in the world, twice 1 . Every year some 50 million bicycles and 20 million cars are produced. Although Leonardo da Vinci drew some rough sketches of a thing that looked 2 _____________ , the Frenchman De Sivrac built the first bicycle-type vehicle in 1690. It was referred to 3 . However, it did not have pedals. Those were added in 1840 by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan,4 . On a penny-farthing bicycle, one pedal gave the wheel one turn. A lot of pedalling was needed 5! With the invention of gears, bicycles could move faster. Air-filled tyres were used on bicycles before they were used on motorcars. The bicycle as we know it today, 6 looks almost exactly the same as the one from 1900.

варіанти відповідей

as many as motorcars         

as a hobbyhorse 

with two wheels of the same size 

who is credited with inventing the real bicycle

like a bicycle         

 didn’t go fast           

to get around

Запитання 6

Directions: Read the text. Choose from the variants the one which best fits each space. There is one choice you do not need to use.

Text 3. The History Of The Bicycle

There are about a billion bicycles in the world, twice 1 . Every year some 50 million bicycles and 20 million cars are produced. Although Leonardo da Vinci drew some rough sketches of a thing that looked 2, the Frenchman De Sivrac built the first bicycle-type vehicle in 1690. It was referred to 3. However, it did not have pedals. Those were added in 1840 by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, 4 . On a penny-farthing bicycle, one pedal gave the wheel one turn. A lot of pedalling was needed 5___________! With the invention of gears, bicycles could move faster. Air-filled tyres were used on bicycles before they were used on motorcars. The bicycle as we know it today, 6 looks almost exactly the same as the one from 1900.

варіанти відповідей

as many as motorcars               

as a hobbyhorse 

with two wheels of the same size 

who is credited with inventing the real bicycle

like a bicycle         

didn’t go fast          

to get around

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