
Додано: 15 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 205 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

The new phone

What’s your shopping style? Do you research products online before carefully making the right decision? Do you rush to the shops and buy the first thing that you see? Perhaps you get your mum to do your shopping for you? I’m usually a mixture of those styles, but recently I did something I’ve never done before.

I was watching TV one rainy evening and, as usual, there were all those irritating advertisements in the middle of the film. This particular break was so long that I even forgot what I was watching, but perhaps that was because I was very tired after a long week at school. Anyway, I don’t know what happened to me. I don’t usually take any notice of the adverts, in fact I quite often turn the volume down when they’re on. But this time I was surprised.

There was an advert for a smartphone and since I was actually thinking of getting one at the time, I started to pay attention. The phone seemed really great. It looked very stylish and came in a whole range of different colours. They said it was nice and light but the best thing about it was the camera. The photos they showed looked amazing.

I was a little bit nervous, but I decided to go for it and I ordered one. I must say I wasn’t sure about my decision when I woke up the next day but the phone arrived that morning so it was too late to cancel the order. And I was impressed with how fast it arrived which I thought was a good sign. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I’m not at all happy with the phone. I’m sure it’s faulty. For example, I texted a friend yesterday and the message went to the wrong person. That’s really bad – it made me feel uncomfortable and my friend was very confused – she didn’t know what I was talking about. Another thing is, the battery doesn’t last for very long. I charged it last night but it’s almost dead again already. I’m sure it should last longer than that, my old one used to last for days. It’s very disappointing, I hope they give me my money back.

1 Why did the writer forget what she was watching?

варіанти відповідей

The film was irritating.

The adverts were very interesting.

The break was long and she was tired.

She was tired and fell asleep during the film.

Запитання 2

The new phone

What’s your shopping style? Do you research products online before carefully making the right decision? Do you rush to the shops and buy the first thing that you see? Perhaps you get your mum to do your shopping for you? I’m usually a mixture of those styles, but recently I did something I’ve never done before.

I was watching TV one rainy evening and, as usual, there were all those irritating advertisements in the middle of the film. This particular break was so long that I even forgot what I was watching, but perhaps that was because I was very tired after a long week at school. Anyway, I don’t know what happened to me. I don’t usually take any notice of the adverts, in fact I quite often turn the volume down when they’re on. But this time I was surprised.

There was an advert for a smartphone and since I was actually thinking of getting one at the time, I started to pay attention. The phone seemed really great. It looked very stylish and came in a whole range of different colours. They said it was nice and light but the best thing about it was the camera. The photos they showed looked amazing.

I was a little bit nervous, but I decided to go for it and I ordered one. I must say I wasn’t sure about my decision when I woke up the next day but the phone arrived that morning so it was too late to cancel the order. And I was impressed with how fast it arrived which I thought was a good sign. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I’m not at all happy with the phone. I’m sure it’s faulty. For example, I texted a friend yesterday and the message went to the wrong person. That’s really bad – it made me feel uncomfortable and my friend was very confused – she didn’t know what I was talking about. Another thing is, the battery doesn’t last for very long. I charged it last night but it’s almost dead again already. I’m sure it should last longer than that, my old one used to last for days. It’s very disappointing, I hope they give me my money back.

2 Why did the writer pay attention to the advert for the smartphone?

варіанти відповідей

Because the phone looked really great.

Because she was interested in getting a new phone.

Because they said it had a really great camera.

Because she forgot to turn the volume down. 

Запитання 3

The new phone

What’s your shopping style? Do you research products online before carefully making the right decision? Do you rush to the shops and buy the first thing that you see? Perhaps you get your mum to do your shopping for you? I’m usually a mixture of those styles, but recently I did something I’ve never done before.

I was watching TV one rainy evening and, as usual, there were all those irritating advertisements in the middle of the film. This particular break was so long that I even forgot what I was watching, but perhaps that was because I was very tired after a long week at school. Anyway, I don’t know what happened to me. I don’t usually take any notice of the adverts, in fact I quite often turn the volume down when they’re on. But this time I was surprised.

There was an advert for a smartphone and since I was actually thinking of getting one at the time, I started to pay attention. The phone seemed really great. It looked very stylish and came in a whole range of different colours. They said it was nice and light but the best thing about it was the camera. The photos they showed looked amazing.

I was a little bit nervous, but I decided to go for it and I ordered one. I must say I wasn’t sure about my decision when I woke up the next day but the phone arrived that morning so it was too late to cancel the order. And I was impressed with how fast it arrived which I thought was a good sign. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I’m not at all happy with the phone. I’m sure it’s faulty. For example, I texted a friend yesterday and the message went to the wrong person. That’s really bad – it made me feel uncomfortable and my friend was very confused – she didn’t know what I was talking about. Another thing is, the battery doesn’t last for very long. I charged it last night but it’s almost dead again already. I’m sure it should last longer than that, my old one used to last for days. It’s very disappointing, I hope they give me my money back.

3  How did the writer feel the morning the phone arrived?

варіанти відповідей

Unsure about her decision

Impressed with her decision



Запитання 4

The new phone

What’s your shopping style? Do you research products online before carefully making the right decision? Do you rush to the shops and buy the first thing that you see? Perhaps you get your mum to do your shopping for you? I’m usually a mixture of those styles, but recently I did something I’ve never done before.

I was watching TV one rainy evening and, as usual, there were all those irritating advertisements in the middle of the film. This particular break was so long that I even forgot what I was watching, but perhaps that was because I was very tired after a long week at school. Anyway, I don’t know what happened to me. I don’t usually take any notice of the adverts, in fact I quite often turn the volume down when they’re on. But this time I was surprised.

There was an advert for a smartphone and since I was actually thinking of getting one at the time, I started to pay attention. The phone seemed really great. It looked very stylish and came in a whole range of different colours. They said it was nice and light but the best thing about it was the camera. The photos they showed looked amazing.

I was a little bit nervous, but I decided to go for it and I ordered one. I must say I wasn’t sure about my decision when I woke up the next day but the phone arrived that morning so it was too late to cancel the order. And I was impressed with how fast it arrived which I thought was a good sign. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I’m not at all happy with the phone. I’m sure it’s faulty. For example, I texted a friend yesterday and the message went to the wrong person. That’s really bad – it made me feel uncomfortable and my friend was very confused – she didn’t know what I was talking about. Another thing is, the battery doesn’t last for very long. I charged it last night but it’s almost dead again already. I’m sure it should last longer than that, my old one used to last for days. It’s very disappointing, I hope they give me my money back.

4 What does the writer plan to do with the phone?

варіанти відповідей

Give it to their friend.

Give it back to the shop.

Get the battery repaired.

Write a negative review online.

Запитання 5


I remember my first mobile phone. It was very big, but the screen was quite small when you think about the smartphones of today. I could only use it for calls and messages. At the time, however, it looked so great to me. Can you imagine how it changed people’s lives? Suddenly, with this useful little invention, communication was so easy. Now we have smartphones with digital cameras and Internet. Mobile technology is always getting better. I wonder what the next generation of mobile phones will be like.

5 The author of the text is ...

варіанти відповідей

describing what a phone can do.

discussing how phones have changed.

explaining how to use a phone.

Запитання 6


– Tech Talk Have you had your old desktop computer for a while? Is it time for a new laptop? Are you visiting websites to compare different computers and find one that’s right for you? Stop! We have all the answers you need. Look and try before you decide to buy. Come and see the latest computers all in one place, this Saturday. They are here for you to use. Listen while we give you details on what each computer can do. You’ll get lots of useful information so that you know which computer is best for you when you’re ready to buy.

6 The text tells readers they can

варіанти відповідей

get useful information about computers.

buy any computer they try.

find out which websites to visit.

Запитання 7


On a clear night, you can see the Moon and stars. How many are there? We don’t know. Where does space end? Does it end? We don’t know. Astronomers, however, are looking for answers to these important questions that affect us all. They observe the sky and analyse their data. They discover new stars and planets. They also develop theories to explain what space is and Earth’s place in it. For these reasons, astronomy is one of the most interesting sciences in the world. But why are there so few astronomers? Why aren’t young people keen on learning about it?

7 The text says that astronomy

варіанти відповідей

is a very easy subject do study.

is only interesting to astronomers.

isn’t popular with many students.

Запитання 8

Underwater forest 

Several years ago, scuba diver Chas Broughton discovered an underwater forest of massive ancient cypress trees. Located twenty kilometres from the coast of Alabama, in the Gulf of Mexico, it is home for thousands of sea animals. Chas told a local journalist about the discovery, but they kept it secret until 2004, when Hurricane Ivan uncovered some of the trees. Then scientists started exploring the area. They have suggested that the forest is more than 50,000 years old. In the past, the ocean level in the area was 125 metres lower than today, but when it rose, the water swallowed the trees up. The forest is so unique that conservationists are now working to make it a marine protected area.

8 The scientists

варіанти відповідей

found out about the discovery from a local journalist.

started visiting the area after the 2004 hurricane.

are trying to protect the forest.

Запитання 9

Are you interested in 3-D printing but don't want to buy another expensive gadget?

Then this offer is for you! Our 3-D printing service will help you produce a figure from your favourite video game, parts for a robot you are building in your basement, beautiful jewellery or decorations for your home. Just choose a design from our catalogue or create your own, decide what material, size and colour you want and send your project to us.

We will print the object and send it to you in no time!

For more information visit our website at:


9 The advertisement is addressed to people who

варіанти відповідей

want to buy a 3-D printer.

are professional designers.

want to use 3-D printing technology.

Запитання 10

Last week I took part in an unusual survey. A psychologist invited forty-four families and asked us different questions about eating habits now and in the past. She wanted to find out why fathers give children less healthy food than mothers. Strange, isn't it? But it's true in my family.

When my mum isn't at home for dinner, Dad orders a pizza. Mum doesn't accept unhealthy food because she feels responsible for what we eat. Dad cares more about my education or hobbies.

According to the survey, in most families the situation was and is similar. Teenagers observe their parents and learn how to behave in the future. My parents used to observe their parents and now I am observing them. This is how people learn some gender norms.

10 The survey the writer took part in shows that

варіанти відповідей

mothers and fathers look after families in different ways.

fathers don't care about families as much as mothers.

teenagers would like to change eating habits in their families.

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