
Додано: 11 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 69 разів
1 запитання
Запитання 1

A legend about a sunflower


Once upon a time there was an old man. He lived in one of the Ukrainian beautiful villages. He was very kind and hospitable. In spite of his old age, he was 98, the old men never asked for a help. On the contrary, he helped other people by giving apples and pears from his garden. He sometimes made some presents to kids. As his hobby was woodwork the old man gave them wooden spoons painted in different colors. People often asked old man's advice how to grow crops and other different activities.

The old man was so positive, it seemed a smile never disappeared from his face. He looked like the sun.

People used to tell him «May you have long happy years of living!» But the old man answered:

«After my death I'll be a flower and will help you as usually.»

Years passed. The old man left our world. But his house was not alone. Because a beautiful yellow flower with black seeds in the middle appeared in the garden. It looked like the sun. Looking at it

people smiled and greeted as if it was the old man. The following years more and more flowers grew in the garden and far beyond it. They give people feeling of joy and beauty. They gave them tasty seeds and useful oil. And a beautiful head of each flower turns to the sun during the day. Thus it has got a name of a sun flower.


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