
Додано: 6 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary is French. 

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Запитання 2

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary enjoys being a nurse.

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Запитання 3

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

She works at the largest hospital in London.

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Запитання 4

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary liked living in London more.

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Запитання 5

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Ms Collins is the English nurse who lives in Paris.

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Запитання 6

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

She hangs out with her friends in her free time.

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Запитання 7

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary often meets her friends at cafes and they walk around the city.

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Запитання 8

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary thinks her neighbourhood is better than the other places in London.

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Запитання 9

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary’s parents are going to visit the hospital.

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Запитання 10

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Her parents are coming to celebrate Rosemary’s birthday.

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Запитання 11

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary is really exited to see her parents and to eat tasty French meals with them.

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Запитання 12

Hi, I’m Rosemary Collins and I’m a nurse. I’m from England but I live in France. I work at the largest hospital in Paris and I love helping people. Paris is a beautiful city and I love living here. My neighbourhood is nicer than anywhere in London. In my free time, I go out with my friends to cafés. On 29th June, my parents are going to visit me because it’s my birthday. I’m really excited! We’re going to a popular restaurant so my mother can try some delicious French food.

Rosemary's birthday is in spring.

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