
Додано: 20 травня 2024
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

1. Killer whales have no natural enemies in the ocean.

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Запитання 2

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

2.Because there are only 600 killer whales in British Columbia, they are considered endangered.

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Запитання 3

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

3.Killer whales maintain a very strong social structure.

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Запитання 4

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

4.Dominant male whales are the leaders of their society.

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Запитання 5

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

5.Killer whales travel, hunt, and spend their lifetimes in their own pods.

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Запитання 6

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

6.The whales haven't a very long lifespan.

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Запитання 7

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

7.Killer whales aren't difficult to identify because of their remarkable colouring.

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Запитання 8

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

8. All killer whales are vegetarians.

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Запитання 9

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

9.These animals hunt in cooperation.

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Запитання 10

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered

10.Probably in the nearest future these animals won’t become extinct.

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Запитання 11

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

11. The whales always travel in groups which is called schools.

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Запитання 12

These mammals are absolutely beautiful. They have a very distinctive black-and-white colouration. Over 600 killer whales live along British Columbia’s coastline. They make up some of the most complex communities we have seen in mammals. They always travel in groups called pods. There are between five and thirty animals in each pod. The whales live and travel with their mothers even after they are fully-grown, forming strongly matriarchal whale societies. Over its lifetime, the group will never separate and a female will always act as the leader of the group. Killer whales are very successful hunters due to their cooperative hunting, where all animals within the pod participate.

Female killer whales usually give birth every three to ten years. Killer whales have no natural predators (they are the top predators of the oceans) and can live for about fifty to eighty years. They are not considered endangered.

12.Whale communities are matriarchal and rather complex.

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