Reading 2nd Term

Додано: 10 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 275 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Choose the best title.

варіанти відповідей

Weekend work

Helping my aunt

My fantastic summer!

Запитання 2

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

Alessandro’s dad’s friend wanted help at the beginning of the holidays.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

Parts of the giraffes’ bodies were dark blue.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

There was only one animal house at the safari park.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

The monkeys were hungry.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

There weren’t any snakes in the safari park.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

Alessandro was busy with the animals all day.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

The crocodiles were very popular with the visitors.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

Alessandro was very happy working at the safari park.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

After lunch, the safari park closed for visitors.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

Alessandro liked the monkeys best.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

Read about Alessandro’s summer holiday.

It was the beginning of the school holidays and I was bored! Then my mum’s friend Jess phoned. She has a small safari park, and she needed some help for a day. At 7 am the next day, Jess walked with me around the safari park and showed me all the different animals. I liked the giraffes best with 

their amazing dark blue tongues. After that, I started work.

First, I carried food to the different animal houses. I waited outside and watched the workers feed the animals. The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food quickly. The monkeys played a noisy game with their food. They weren’t hungry! Next, I cleaned some of the animal houses. I even cleaned the snake house!

After lunch, the safari park opened for visitors. I worked at the ticket office – I took money from the visitors and gave them information about the safari park. Most people wanted to know the crocodile feeding time because that’s fun to watch. The safari park closed at 5 pm. I really enjoyed my day and Jess asked me to go back and help the next day. In the end, I helped in the safari park for two weeks and it was fantastic.

Is the sentence true or false?

The tigers and the bears were very hungry and finished all their food slowly.

варіанти відповідей



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