Додано: 16 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text below about social networking sites and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  


As social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, researchers 

are starting to worry that we may be turning into addicted users. This may 

actually be true. Take a quick look around you and you’ll see for yourself: 

people are constantly checking their smartphones to keep up with their 

friends’ recent posts on social networking sites. They are also commenting on 

and sharing that information with other friends. 


Since social networking sites appeared in the late 1990s, they have become a 

part of everyday life. Initially, people used them to stay in touch with family 

and friends through instant messaging applications. They also created 

professional profiles online so they could search for jobs. In addition, they 

started making new friends who had similar interests or found old classmates 

through a name search. 


Nowadays, however, although all of the above still apply, social networking 

sites have also become a place for posting personal details the public has no 

interest in. According to psychologists, users obsessively post bits of their life 

online because this gives them the illusion of having an audience. Does the 

post ‘Kathy is drinking tea with her sister Jo at Maxwell shopping centre’ 

sound familiar? In this scenario, there would even be a photo of Kathy and her 

sister drinking that tea at that shopping centre. Then, chances are, those girls 

would constantly check how many people ‘liked’ their photo. 


Researchers have repeatedly stressed the dangers of making our private life 

available online. There have been many cases of kidnappers who posed as 

someone younger to make friends with a child, using a false name and photo, 

for example. There is no way of knowing who is behind an online profile. 

This is why, experts warn, we should never accept a friend request from 

people we don’t know and, of course, never agree to meet them. The same 

goes for sharing personal information such as addresses and telephone 

numbers online. At the end of the day, what we should be asking ourselves 

before posting anything is: does the world really care or need to know where  

I am or what I’m doing right now? 

The writer thinks the addiction to social networking sites is not as 

serious as researchers argue. 

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Запитання 2

Read the text below about social networking sites and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  


As social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, researchers 

are starting to worry that we may be turning into addicted users. This may 

actually be true. Take a quick look around you and you’ll see for yourself: 

people are constantly checking their smartphones to keep up with their 

friends’ recent posts on social networking sites. They are also commenting on 

and sharing that information with other friends. 


Since social networking sites appeared in the late 1990s, they have become a 

part of everyday life. Initially, people used them to stay in touch with family 

and friends through instant messaging applications. They also created 

professional profiles online so they could search for jobs. In addition, they 

started making new friends who had similar interests or found old classmates 

through a name search. 


Nowadays, however, although all of the above still apply, social networking 

sites have also become a place for posting personal details the public has no 

interest in. According to psychologists, users obsessively post bits of their life 

online because this gives them the illusion of having an audience. Does the 

post ‘Kathy is drinking tea with her sister Jo at Maxwell shopping centre’ 

sound familiar? In this scenario, there would even be a photo of Kathy and her 

sister drinking that tea at that shopping centre. Then, chances are, those girls 

would constantly check how many people ‘liked’ their photo. 


Researchers have repeatedly stressed the dangers of making our private life 

available online. There have been many cases of kidnappers who posed as 

someone younger to make friends with a child, using a false name and photo, 

for example. There is no way of knowing who is behind an online profile. 

This is why, experts warn, we should never accept a friend request from 

people we don’t know and, of course, never agree to meet them. The same 

goes for sharing personal information such as addresses and telephone 

numbers online. At the end of the day, what we should be asking ourselves 

before posting anything is: does the world really care or need to know where  

I am or what I’m doing right now? 

When social networking sites first appeared, people used them for 

fewer things compared to today. 

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Запитання 3

Read the text below about social networking sites and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  


As social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, researchers 

are starting to worry that we may be turning into addicted users. This may 

actually be true. Take a quick look around you and you’ll see for yourself: 

people are constantly checking their smartphones to keep up with their 

friends’ recent posts on social networking sites. They are also commenting on 

and sharing that information with other friends. 


Since social networking sites appeared in the late 1990s, they have become a 

part of everyday life. Initially, people used them to stay in touch with family 

and friends through instant messaging applications. They also created 

professional profiles online so they could search for jobs. In addition, they 

started making new friends who had similar interests or found old classmates 

through a name search. 


Nowadays, however, although all of the above still apply, social networking 

sites have also become a place for posting personal details the public has no 

interest in. According to psychologists, users obsessively post bits of their life 

online because this gives them the illusion of having an audience. Does the 

post ‘Kathy is drinking tea with her sister Jo at Maxwell shopping centre’ 

sound familiar? In this scenario, there would even be a photo of Kathy and her 

sister drinking that tea at that shopping centre. Then, chances are, those girls 

would constantly check how many people ‘liked’ their photo. 


Researchers have repeatedly stressed the dangers of making our private life 

available online. There have been many cases of kidnappers who posed as 

someone younger to make friends with a child, using a false name and photo, 

for example. There is no way of knowing who is behind an online profile. 

This is why, experts warn, we should never accept a friend request from 

people we don’t know and, of course, never agree to meet them. The same 

goes for sharing personal information such as addresses and telephone 

numbers online. At the end of the day, what we should be asking ourselves 

before posting anything is: does the world really care or need to know where  

I am or what I’m doing right now? 

Professionals use social networking sites to find jobs any more. 

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Запитання 4

Read the text below about social networking sites and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  


As social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, researchers 

are starting to worry that we may be turning into addicted users. This may 

actually be true. Take a quick look around you and you’ll see for yourself: 

people are constantly checking their smartphones to keep up with their 

friends’ recent posts on social networking sites. They are also commenting on 

and sharing that information with other friends. 


Since social networking sites appeared in the late 1990s, they have become a 

part of everyday life. Initially, people used them to stay in touch with family 

and friends through instant messaging applications. They also created 

professional profiles online so they could search for jobs. In addition, they 

started making new friends who had similar interests or found old classmates 

through a name search. 


Nowadays, however, although all of the above still apply, social networking 

sites have also become a place for posting personal details the public has no 

interest in. According to psychologists, users obsessively post bits of their life 

online because this gives them the illusion of having an audience. Does the 

post ‘Kathy is drinking tea with her sister Jo at Maxwell shopping centre’ 

sound familiar? In this scenario, there would even be a photo of Kathy and her 

sister drinking that tea at that shopping centre. Then, chances are, those girls 

would constantly check how many people ‘liked’ their photo. 


Researchers have repeatedly stressed the dangers of making our private life 

available online. There have been many cases of kidnappers who posed as 

someone younger to make friends with a child, using a false name and photo, 

for example. There is no way of knowing who is behind an online profile. 

This is why, experts warn, we should never accept a friend request from 

people we don’t know and, of course, never agree to meet them. The same 

goes for sharing personal information such as addresses and telephone 

numbers online. At the end of the day, what we should be asking ourselves 

before posting anything is: does the world really care or need to know where  

I am or what I’m doing right now? 

People use social networks to announce important activities that other 

people do not care about. 

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Запитання 5

Read the text below about social networking sites and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  


As social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, researchers 

are starting to worry that we may be turning into addicted users. This may 

actually be true. Take a quick look around you and you’ll see for yourself: 

people are constantly checking their smartphones to keep up with their 

friends’ recent posts on social networking sites. They are also commenting on 

and sharing that information with other friends. 


Since social networking sites appeared in the late 1990s, they have become a 

part of everyday life. Initially, people used them to stay in touch with family 

and friends through instant messaging applications. They also created 

professional profiles online so they could search for jobs. In addition, they 

started making new friends who had similar interests or found old classmates 

through a name search. 


Nowadays, however, although all of the above still apply, social networking 

sites have also become a place for posting personal details the public has no 

interest in. According to psychologists, users obsessively post bits of their life 

online because this gives them the illusion of having an audience. Does the 

post ‘Kathy is drinking tea with her sister Jo at Maxwell shopping centre’ 

sound familiar? In this scenario, there would even be a photo of Kathy and her 

sister drinking that tea at that shopping centre. Then, chances are, those girls 

would constantly check how many people ‘liked’ their photo. 


Researchers have repeatedly stressed the dangers of making our private life 

available online. There have been many cases of kidnappers who posed as 

someone younger to make friends with a child, using a false name and photo, 

for example. There is no way of knowing who is behind an online profile. 

This is why, experts warn, we should never accept a friend request from 

people we don’t know and, of course, never agree to meet them. The same 

goes for sharing personal information such as addresses and telephone 

numbers online. At the end of the day, what we should be asking ourselves 

before posting anything is: does the world really care or need to know where  

I am or what I’m doing right now? 

According to social networking sites, users like posting online because they enjoy to stay in the background . 

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Запитання 6

Read the text below about social networking sites and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  


As social networking sites are becoming more and more popular, researchers 

are starting to worry that we may be turning into addicted users. This may 

actually be true. Take a quick look around you and you’ll see for yourself: 

people are constantly checking their smartphones to keep up with their 

friends’ recent posts on social networking sites. They are also commenting on 

and sharing that information with other friends. 


Since social networking sites appeared in the late 1990s, they have become a 

part of everyday life. Initially, people used them to stay in touch with family 

and friends through instant messaging applications. They also created 

professional profiles online so they could search for jobs. In addition, they 

started making new friends who had similar interests or found old classmates 

through a name search. 


Nowadays, however, although all of the above still apply, social networking 

sites have also become a place for posting personal details the public has no 

interest in. According to psychologists, users obsessively post bits of their life 

online because this gives them the illusion of having an audience. Does the 

post ‘Kathy is drinking tea with her sister Jo at Maxwell shopping centre’ 

sound familiar? In this scenario, there would even be a photo of Kathy and her 

sister drinking that tea at that shopping centre. Then, chances are, those girls 

would constantly check how many people ‘liked’ their photo. 


Researchers have repeatedly stressed the dangers of making our private life 

available online. There have been many cases of kidnappers who posed as 

someone younger to make friends with a child, using a false name and photo, 

for example. There is no way of knowing who is behind an online profile. 

This is why, experts warn, we should never accept a friend request from 

people we don’t know and, of course, never agree to meet them. The same 

goes for sharing personal information such as addresses and telephone 

numbers online. At the end of the day, what we should be asking ourselves 

before posting anything is: does the world really care or need to know where  

I am or what I’m doing right now? 

Alot of people have used social networking sites to commit crimes. 

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Запитання 7

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

 Many people thought that the writer would follow the dream of 

another family member.

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Запитання 8

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

The careers adviser dadn't admire the writer’s ideas about possible 


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Запитання 9

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

The careers adviser rejected the job of a chocolate tester. 

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Запитання 10

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

 The writer was impressed that the only thing chocolate testers do is taste chocolate. 

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Запитання 11

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

Becoming a football referee is difficult for a number of reasons. 

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Запитання 12

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

The writer's brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist wasn't successful in the end.

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Запитання 13

Read the text below about making career choices and decide if the 

statements are true or false.  

I'm often asked the question ‘How did you become a journalist?’ You see, 

everybody expected me to become a doctor like my father. Well, during my 

last year of school, I was given the opportunity to visit a careers adviser and   

I can tell you she was not crazy about my career choices. 


My first choice was chocolate tester. Although the adviser wasn’t very 

impressed, she got me the information. I discovered that chocolate testers earn 

a lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job. However, when     

I found out that chocolate testers don’t just sit around eating chocolate all day, 

I lost my interest. It seems that they are also involved in planning how to sell 

the product. I finally decided against it when I realised a university degree 

would be needed. 


Next, I thought of becoming a football referee. I had loved football from a 

young age. but being a professional footballer was out of the question, as     

I couldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that referees must be able to run 

two and a half miles in less than twelve minutes and they are required to take 

exams throughout their training. On top of that, after many years of 

experience — and if they are lucky — they might get the chance to referee big 

professional matches. So, my dream of showing David Beckham a red card 

was destroyed. 


Finally, I had this brilliant idea of becoming a dog stylist. That was after     

I realised how much money our dog stylist, Shirley, was paid every time we 

visited her with our dog, Philipo. However, once, while she was styling 

Philipo, I noticed that he tried to bite her. ‘It happens all the time,’ she told 

me. As you can imagine, that really put me off. 


To cut a long story short, all this made me realise I had a gift for research, so 

by the end of the school year I had decided to become a journalist. 

By the end of the school year the writer had decided to become a journalist. 

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