
Додано: 4 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 97 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

І. Read the text and decide if the sentence is T (True) or F (False).  

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

1) Alex likes to do sports.

варіанти відповідей

a) True

b) False

Запитання 2

І. Read the text and decide if the sentence is T (True) or F (False).

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

2) His parents don’t go in for sport

варіанти відповідей


b) False

Запитання 3

І. Read the text and decide if the sentence is T (True) or F (False).  

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

3) Alex’s mother is fond of swimming and skiing.  

варіанти відповідей

a) True

b) False

Запитання 4

І. Read the text and decide if the sentence is T (True) or F (False).  

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

4) Alex hurt his hand when he was playing volleyball.

варіанти відповідей

a) True

b) False

Запитання 5

І. Read the text and decide if the sentence is T (True) or F (False).  

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

5) His hand ached badly and Alex went to the doctor.

варіанти відповідей

a) True

b) False

Запитання 6

І. Read the text and decide if the sentence is T (True) or F (False).  

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

6) In ten days his hand didn`t hurt any more.

варіанти відповідей

a) True

b) False

Запитання 7

ІІ. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

       1) Alex is good at … .

варіанти відповідей

a) studying

b) house chores

c) sports

d) learning

Запитання 8

ІІ. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

2) Alex goes to the gym … times a week.

варіанти відповідей

a) two

b) three

c) four

d) five

Запитання 9

ІІ. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

3) Alex’s father likes … .

варіанти відповідей

a) swimming

b) tennis

c) skiing

d) football

Запитання 10

ІI. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

    4) Some weeks ago Alex was playing basketball with his … 

варіанти відповідей

a) brothers

b) mother

c) friends

d) father

Запитання 11

ІI. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

5) Alex hurts his … . 

варіанти відповідей

a) hand

b) head

c) leg

d) arm

Запитання 12

ІI. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentence.

My name is Alex and I`m twelve years old. I`m not good at studying or house chores, but I`m fond of sports. I go to the gym to play basketball, volleyball and tennis. I visit gym on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go to the swimming pool two times a week. My parents like my hobby because they are good sportsmen, too. My father enjoys playing football and my mother is fond of swimming and skiing. But some weeks ago I was playing basketball with my friends and hurt my hand. It ached badly and I went to the doctor. The doctor examined my hand and said that the problem wasn`t serious. First I was very upset to know that I couldn`t play basketball for two weeks. But in ten days my hand was fine and I played basketball again.

6) Alex couldn`t play basketball for … days.

варіанти відповідей

a) seven

b) ten

c) twelve

d) fourteen

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