Reading 3rd year

Додано: 15 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 830 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

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Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Дай відповідь так (True) чи ні ( False)

Yesterday I was at museum

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Запитання 2

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Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

I was there with my mom

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Запитання 3

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

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We bought sandwiches

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Запитання 4

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

I took cola for me and my friend

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Запитання 5

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

I didn't like a film

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Запитання 6

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

After the cinema we had a picnic

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Запитання 7

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

Ann liked pizza

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Запитання 8

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

We had pizza in a cafe

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Запитання 9

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

Ann went home at quater to six

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Запитання 10

Yesterday I was at the cinema. I was there with my friend Ann. We came too early so at first we bought popcorn. I like cola so I took some for me and Ann. The film was very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

After the cinema we went to my home and played computer games. My mom cooked pizza. Ann liked it very much. Ann went home at 5.30. It was a nice day with my friend.

Скажи чи правдиве наступне речення так (True) / ні ( False)

I didn't like this day

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