Reading 5-А

Додано: 19 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 138 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

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Text 1.

The different faces of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an actor from Kentucky, USA. His home is now in Los Angeles, USA, after many years of living in France.

He is quite friendly, slim, but not tall (1.78 m). His eyes and his hair are dark brown. But Johnny can change his appearance in films.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny is Jack Sparrow and has very long, dirty brown hair. He wears a white shirt and black jacket.

In Edward Scissorhands, he plays Edward and has a white face, unlike Johnny’s pink face, brown eyes, long, dirty, black hair and he can cut lots of things with his fingers (but he can’t pick things up very well!). He is very nervous, and not brave at all, and is not friendly to people.

In Alice in Wonderland, Johnny is The Mad Hatter. He hasn’t got brown eyes and brown hair, but has green eyes and bright orange hair. He is not American like Johnny, but Scottish.

So Johnny has got a lot of experience of changing his appearance!

1.     Johnny Depp’s home is in 

варіанти відповідей

A        France

B        Kentucky.

C        Los Angeles

Запитання 2

Text 1.

The different faces of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an actor from Kentucky, USA. His home is now in Los Angeles, USA, after many years of living in France.

He is quite friendly, slim, but not tall (1.78 m). His eyes and his hair are dark brown. But Johnny can change his appearance in films.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny is Jack Sparrow and has very long, dirty brown hair. He wears a white shirt and black jacket.

In Edward Scissorhands, he plays Edward and has a white face, unlike Johnny’s pink face, brown eyes, long, dirty, black hair and he can cut lots of things with his fingers (but he can’t pick things up very well!). He is very nervous, and not brave at all, and is not friendly to people.

In Alice in Wonderland, Johnny is The Mad Hatter. He hasn’t got brown eyes and brown hair, but has green eyes and bright orange hair. He is not American like Johnny, but Scottish.

So Johnny has got a lot of experience of changing his appearance!


2.      Johnny is

варіанти відповідей

A   tall. 

B  slim.

C   quiet.

Запитання 3

Text 1.

The different faces of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an actor from Kentucky, USA. His home is now in Los Angeles, USA, after many years of living in France.

He is quite friendly, slim, but not tall (1.78 m). His eyes and his hair are dark brown. But Johnny can change his appearance in films.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny is Jack Sparrow and has very long, dirty brown hair. He wears a white shirt and black jacket.

In Edward Scissorhands, he plays Edward and has a white face, unlike Johnny’s pink face, brown eyes, long, dirty, black hair and he can cut lots of things with his fingers (but he can’t pick things up very well!). He is very nervous, and not brave at all, and is not friendly to people.

In Alice in Wonderland, Johnny is The Mad Hatter. He hasn’t got brown eyes and brown hair, but has green eyes and bright orange hair. He is not American like Johnny, but Scottish.

So Johnny has got a lot of experience of changing his appearance!

3.     Jack Sparrow’s hair is

варіанти відповідей

A   brown.

B   white.

C   black.

Запитання 4

Text 1.

The different faces of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an actor from Kentucky, USA. His home is now in Los Angeles, USA, after many years of living in France.

He is quite friendly, slim, but not tall (1.78 m). His eyes and his hair are dark brown. But Johnny can change his appearance in films.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny is Jack Sparrow and has very long, dirty brown hair. He wears a white shirt and black jacket.

In Edward Scissorhands, he plays Edward and has a white face, unlike Johnny’s pink face, brown eyes, long, dirty, black hair and he can cut lots of things with his fingers (but he can’t pick things up very well!). He is very nervous, and not brave at all, and is not friendly to people.

In Alice in Wonderland, Johnny is The Mad Hatter. He hasn’t got brown eyes and brown hair, but has green eyes and bright orange hair. He is not American like Johnny, but Scottish.

So Johnny has got a lot of experience of changing his appearance!

4.     Edward Scissorhands is


варіанти відповідей

A   friendly. 

B   brave.

C   nervous.

Запитання 5

Text 1.

The different faces of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an actor from Kentucky, USA. His home is now in Los Angeles, USA, after many years of living in France.

He is quite friendly, slim, but not tall (1.78 m). His eyes and his hair are dark brown. But Johnny can change his appearance in films.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny is Jack Sparrow and has very long, dirty brown hair. He wears a white shirt and black jacket.

In Edward Scissorhands, he plays Edward and has a white face, unlike Johnny’s pink face, brown eyes, long, dirty, black hair and he can cut lots of things with his fingers (but he can’t pick things up very well!). He is very nervous, and not brave at all, and is not friendly to people.

In Alice in Wonderland, Johnny is The Mad Hatter. He hasn’t got brown eyes and brown hair, but has green eyes and bright orange hair. He is not American like Johnny, but Scottish.

So Johnny has got a lot of experience of changing his appearance!

5.      Edward Scissorhands has the same colour

варіанти відповідей

A   eyes as Johnny.

B        hair as Johnny.

C   face as Johnny.

Запитання 6

Text 1.

The different faces of Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is an actor from Kentucky, USA. His home is now in Los Angeles, USA, after many years of living in France.

He is quite friendly, slim, but not tall (1.78 m). His eyes and his hair are dark brown. But Johnny can change his appearance in films.

In Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny is Jack Sparrow and has very long, dirty brown hair. He wears a white shirt and black jacket.

In Edward Scissorhands, he plays Edward and has a white face, unlike Johnny’s pink face, brown eyes, long, dirty, black hair and he can cut lots of things with his fingers (but he can’t pick things up very well!). He is very nervous, and not brave at all, and is not friendly to people.

In Alice in Wonderland, Johnny is The Mad Hatter. He hasn’t got brown eyes and brown hair, but has green eyes and bright orange hair. He is not American like Johnny, but Scottish.

So Johnny has got a lot of experience of changing his appearance!

6.      The Mad Hatter 

варіанти відповідей

A        has orange eyes and green hair. 

B   has orange hair and is American.

C   has green eyes and is Scottish.

Запитання 7

Text 2.


Do you like cheese sandwich?


There aren’t only one or two great recipes with cheese – there are hundreds! My favourite isn’t a recipe with English cheese, it’s with brie, a kind of French cheese.  It is a cheese sandwich. The recipe isn’t very good for you so don’t eat it every day!

The ingredients are 20g of brie, three slices of bread, an egg, some butter and some slices of tomatoes.

Some other great recipes are cheese on toast, pasta with cheese sauce and pizzas covered in lots of your favourite cheese. Like any recipe with cheese, they have got lots of calories, but the taste is wonderful!

1. There are ______________  great recipes with cheese.

варіанти відповідей

a. One or two     

b.     Many

c.     Not many

Запитання 8

Text 2.


Do you like cheese sandwich?


There aren’t only one or two great recipes with cheese – there are hundreds! My favourite isn’t a recipe with English cheese, it’s with brie, a kind of French cheese. It is a cheese sandwich. The recipe isn’t very good for you so don’t eat it every day!

The ingredients are 20g of brie, three slices of bread, an egg, some butter and some slices of tomatoes.

Some other great recipes are cheese on toast, pasta with cheese sauce and pizzas covered in lots of your favourite cheese. Like any recipe with cheese, they have got lots of calories, but the taste is wonderful!


2. Brie is a kind of ______________ cheese.

варіанти відповідей

a. French

b. English

c. My favourite

Запитання 9

Text 2.


Do you like cheese sandwich?


There aren’t only one or two great recipes with cheese – there are hundreds! My favourite isn’t a recipe with English cheese, it’s with brie, a kind of French cheese.  It is a cheese sandwich. The recipe isn’t very good for you so don’t eat it every day!

The ingredients are 20g of brie, three slices of bread, an egg, some butter and some slices of tomatoes.

Some other great recipes are cheese on toast, pasta with cheese sauce and pizzas covered in lots of your favourite cheese. Like any recipe with cheese, they have got lots of calories, but the taste is wonderful!

3. The ingredients of cheese sandwich  are ____________.

варіанти відповідей

a. Brie, bread, salt, pepper, oil and an egg

b. Bread, oil, pepper and an egg

c. Bread, brie, butter and an egg

Запитання 10

Text 2.


Do you like cheese sandwich?


There aren’t only one or two great recipes with cheese – there are hundreds! My favourite isn’t a recipe with English cheese, it’s with brie, a kind of French cheese.  It is a cheese sandwich. The recipe isn’t very good for you so don’t eat it every day!

The ingredients are 20g of brie, three slices of bread, an egg, some butter and some slices of tomatoes.

Some other great recipes are cheese on toast, pasta with cheese sauce and pizzas covered in lots of your favourite cheese. Like any recipe with cheese, they have got lots of calories, but the taste is wonderful!

4. You can  also cook ____________ with cheese.

варіанти відповідей

a. Pizza, soup and toast

b. Pasta, pizza and toast

c. Sauce, pizza and bread

Запитання 11

Text 2.


Do you like cheese sandwich?


There aren’t only one or two great recipes with cheese – there are hundreds! My favourite isn’t a recipe with English cheese, it’s with brie, a kind of French cheese.  It is a cheese sandwich. The recipe isn’t very good for you so don’t eat it every day!

The ingredients are 20g of brie, three slices of bread, an egg, some butter and some slices of tomatoes.

Some other great recipes are cheese on toast, pasta with cheese sauce and pizzas covered in lots of your favourite cheese. Like any recipe with cheese, they have got lots of calories, but the taste is wonderful!


5. People _________ cheese sandwiches every day.

варіанти відповідей

a. Can eat

b. Usually eat

c. Can’t eat

Запитання 12

Text 2.


Do you like cheese sandwich?


There aren’t only one or two great recipes with cheese – there are hundreds! My favourite isn’t a recipe with English cheese, it’s with brie, a kind of French cheese.  It is a cheese sandwich. The recipe isn’t very good for you so don’t eat it every day!

The ingredients are 20g of brie, three slices of bread, an egg, some butter and some slices of tomatoes.

Some other great recipes are cheese on toast, pasta with cheese sauce and pizzas covered in lots of your favourite cheese. Like any recipe with cheese, they have got lots of calories, but the taste is wonderful!


6. Cheese has got a lot of 6______________ in it.

варіанти відповідей

a.     Callories

b.    ingredients

c.     Wonderful taste

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