Reading unit 4 ( part 2)

Додано: 22 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 90 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text. Choose the correct answer.


Obesity levels in western countries are rising fast. In the United

States, obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 30 years

from about 14.5% to over 30%. Some people think that over

half the population will be obese within a few years. In Britain,

around 20% are obese, the largest percentage in Europe. This is

mainly because we eat more but also because we get less exercise.

Although food labelling shows us the number of calories

we are consuming, we don’t seem to take any notice.

However, we should because obesity reduces our life

expectancy and causes many other health problems. We need

to alter our eating habits and eat more fresh products and less

packaged food. We should cut down on salt, sugar and fat, and

cut out certain things, such as fizzy drinks and crisps, which

have no nutritional value at all.

The aim of the text is to...

варіанти відповідей

encourage people to change their eating habits.

criticise the lack of clear food labelling.

compare obesity rates in the USA with rates in other


give information about the causes of obesity.

Запитання 2

Read the text. Choose the correct answer.


Obesity levels in western countries are rising fast. In the United

States, obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 30 years

from about 14.5% to over 30%. Some people think that over

half the population will be obese within a few years. In Britain,

around 20% are obese, the largest percentage in Europe. This is

mainly because we eat more but also because we get less exercise.

Although food labelling shows us the number of calories

we are consuming, we don’t seem to take any notice.

However, we should because obesity reduces our life

expectancy and causes many other health problems. We need

to alter our eating habits and eat more fresh products and less

packaged food. We should cut down on salt, sugar and fat, and

cut out certain things, such as fizzy drinks and crisps, which

have no nutritional value at all.

According to this text , obesity rates in the USA...

варіанти відповідей

won’t get any higher.

are over twice as high as in Britain.

will go up over the next 30 years.

are twice as high as they were 30 years ago

Запитання 3

Read the text. Choose the correct answer.


These days, people have less time to create meals from fresh

ingredients. We know that it would be better for us but we

also know that pre-cooked or frozen meals are quick and

tasty. Unfortunately, they are also full of calories and contain

unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. That’s why Mini-mize is

such an important new product. Unlike most diet pills, Mini-mize

pills don’t make you feel full and they don’t provide you with

vitamins or minerals that you may be lacking. They don’t need

to. They allow you to eat all the food that you want but they

then destroy the salt, sugar and fat in the blood. They have

been recommended by nutritionists and doctors as a way to

improve our health. Mini-mize means you can lose weight

without worries – and all for the price of a large burger and

fries a day!

The aim of this text is to...

варіанти відповідей

warn people of the dangers of obesity.

advertise a new product.

warn people not to lose weight too quickly.

recommend that people reduce the amount they eat.

Запитання 4

Read the text. Choose the correct answer.


These days, people have less time to create meals from fresh

ingredients. We know that it would be better for us but we

also know that pre-cooked or frozen meals are quick and

tasty. Unfortunately, they are also full of calories and contain

unhealthy levels of salt and sugar. That’s why Mini-mize is

such an important new product. Unlike most diet pills, Mini-mize

pills don’t make you feel full and they don’t provide you with

vitamins or minerals that you may be lacking. They don’t need

to. They allow you to eat all the food that you want but they

then destroy the salt, sugar and fat in the blood. They have

been recommended by nutritionists and doctors as a way to

improve our health. Mini-mize means you can lose weight

without worries – and all for the price of a large burger and

fries a day!

Which of these is true, according to the text ?

варіанти відповідей

There is nothing wrong with pre-cooked and frozen meals.

Mini-mize tablets are cheaper than other diet pills.

Other diet pills are not recommended by nutritionists.

Mini-mize tablets work differently to other diet pills.

Запитання 5

Read the three texts. Choose the correct answer.


We all know that obesity levels are rising and that people are

eating the wrong things. We also know that when governments

want to act, they can. You only have to look at the laws

to stop smoking in public places and the tax increases which

have made smoking much less popular than it was. The same

results could be achieved by similar taxes on fast food and fizzy

drinks. Governments could also limit the numbers of fast-food

restaurants or bring in laws to reduce the amount of salt and

sugar used in packaged foods. However, they don’t do any

of these things. Why not? Could it be because the food

producers and supermarkets are too powerful? The biggest

supermarkets sell most of our food and also control many of the

supplies from farms and other food producers. If the

government did threaten to change the law, these huge

companies could bring the country to its knees very quickly.

This text is about...

варіанти відповідей

how our eating habits are changing.

why governments find it hard to control supermarkets.

how difficult it was for governments to change our

smoking habits.

why taxes on food aren’t as effective as those on


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