Reading Comprehension

Додано: 12 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 69 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

What TV does to children

Many years ago scientists and doctors began serious study of the influence of television on children and young people .And now they say that after parents television has the greatest influence on children today.

Of course, watching TV has its good and bad sides. From TV children get information about the world, they learn new words and begin to use them in their speech.

Parents began study of the influence of TV on children.

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Запитання 2

Many years ago scientists and doctors began serious study of the influence of television on children and young people. And now they say that after parents television has the greatest influence on children today.

Of course, watching TV has its good and bad sides. From TV children get information about the world, they learn new words and begin to use them in their speech.

TV has only negative influence.

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Запитання 3

Many years ago scientists and doctors began serious study of the influence of television on children and young people .And now they say that after parents television has the greatest influence on children today.

Of course, watching TV has its good and bad sides. From TV children get information about the world, they learn new words and begin to use them in their speech.

Children get a lot of information from TV.

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Запитання 4

But TV also influences the development of a child in negative way. When children spend all day in front of TV sets they cannot usually find time to read, to play games outside, to talk to their parents and friends.

Some teachers say that children who watch TV every day talk too much at school at the lessons. They can't talk at home while watching TV and so they began to talk at school.

While watching TV children have no time for reading and playing outside.

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Запитання 5

But TV also influences the development of a child in negative way. When children spend all day in front of TV sets they cannot usually find time to read, to play games outside, to talk to their parents and friends.

Some teachers say that children who watch TV every day talk too much at school at the lessons. They can't talk at home while watching TV and so they began to talk at school.

Children have much time for reading books and playing games.

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Запитання 6

But TV also influences the development of a child in negative way. When children spend all day in front of TV sets they cannot usually find time to read, to play games outside, to talk to their parents and friends.

Some teachers say that children who watch TV every day talk too much at school at the lessons. They can't talk at home while watching TV and so they began to talk at school.

Some teachers think pupils talk too much at the lessons because of TV.

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Запитання 7

TV influences the creative abilities of pupils. Pupils who watch TV a lot can't understand an easy story without pictures and illustrations.

Television usually makes children passive. When a child watches TV he lives the lives of TV heroes, he travels with them, does everything with them. But he is not doing anything he is just sitting in an armchair and watching TV.

TV improves the creative abilities of pupils.

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Запитання 8

TV influences the creative abilities of pupils. Pupils who watch TV a lot can't understand an easy story without pictures and illustrations.

Television usually makes children passive. When a child watches TV he lives the lives of TV heroes, he travels with them, does everything with them. But he is not doing anything he is just sitting in an armchair and watching TV.

Pupils who watch TV a lot can understand an easy story.

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Запитання 9

TV influences the creative abilities of pupils. Pupils who watch TV a lot can't understand an easy story without pictures and illustrations.

Television usually makes children passive. When a child watches TV he lives the lives of TV heroes, he travels with them, does everything with them. But he is not doing anything he is just sitting in an armchair and watching TV.

Television makes children very active.

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Запитання 10

When a child watches TV, everything seems very easy to him. And real life begins to seem very easy. He cannot work hard, because watching TV does not need hard work.

Because of TV real life seems to children very easy.

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Запитання 11

When a child ... TV, everything seems very easy to him. And real life begins to seem very easy.

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Запитання 12

When a child watches TV, everything seems very easy to him. And real life begins to seem very easy. He cannot ... hard, because watching TV does not need hard work.

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