Reading 5

Додано: 5 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 253 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline is ......

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline lives in .....

варіанти відповідей


the UK 

Запитання 3


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline came to Italy.....

варіанти відповідей

last year 

three years ago

Запитання 4


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline ........... speak Italian.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline ............. speaks English in the classroom

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline ........... like living in Italy

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words.

The weather in Italy is ............. than in  the UK.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline prefers ............ food.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

People in Italy ............. a lot of pasta.

варіанти відповідей


don’t eat

Запитання 10


My name’s Pauline. I’m thirty. I come from the UK, but I don’t live there. I live in Naples, in Italy. I’m a teacher. I teach English to Italian students.

I came to Italy three years ago. At first, I didn’t know any Italian, but now I can speak it well. I never speak Italian in the classroom – only English!

I enjoy living in Italy. It’s very different from the UK. It’s hotter here, and I think the food is better. People here eat a lot of pasta!

Will I go back to England in the future? I don’t know, but I’m definitely going to stay in Naples for another year. I’m very happy here!

Read the text. Choose the correct words. 

Pauline ........ in Italy for another year.

варіанти відповідей

is going to stay

isn’t going to stay

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