Reading 5th/ I sem

Додано: 14 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 120 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

My(1) ___best______friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) _________and thin. 

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Запитання 2

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

He has got short dark (3) ___________ hair and big eyes. 

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Запитання 3

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) ___________ , but he is a sporty boy.

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Запитання 4

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

He is strong and he is good at (5) __________  and jumping. 

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Запитання 5

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

Alex is (6) ___________ of our school basketball club.

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Запитання 6

1. Complete the text with the words.

running   bikes   straight   member    tests      keen     best    trust     watching      tall

He doesn’t like reading books or (7) ________ TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. 

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Запитання 7

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

Alex is (8) __________ on cycling and we often ride our (9)  ________ in summer.

варіанти відповідей

keen (8) / best (9)

member (8) / bikes (9)

straight (8) / member (9)

running (8) / trust (9)

watching (8) / tall (9)

keen (8) / bikes (9)

bikes (8) / tall (9)

Запитання 8

1.   Complete the text with the words.

running     bikes    straight    member      tests          keen        best      trust        watching          tall

Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) _________  Alex because he is a good friend.

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Запитання 9

2. Read the text once again and write if the sentences are true or false.

My (1) best friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) tall and thin. He has got short dark (3) straight hair and big eyes. Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) tests, but he is a sporty boy. He is strong and he is good at (5) running    and jumping. Alex is (6) member of our school basketball club. He doesn’t like reading books or (7) watching TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alex is (8) keen on cycling and we often ride our (9)  bikes in summer. Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) trust   Alex because he is a good friend.

1.   Alex and his friend are classmates.

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Запитання 10

2. Read the text once again and write if the sentences are true or false.

My (1) best friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) tall and thin. He has got short dark (3) straight hair and big eyes. Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) tests, but he is a sporty boy. He is strong and he is good at (5) running    and jumping. Alex is (6) member of our school basketball club. He doesn’t like reading books or (7) watching TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alex is (8) keen on cycling and we often ride our (9)  bikes in summer. Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) trust   Alex because he is a good friend.

2.   Alex isn’t a short boy.

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Запитання 11

2. Read the text once again and write if the sentences are true or false.

My (1) best friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) tall and thin. He has got short dark (3) straight hair and big eyes. Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) tests, but he is a sporty boy. He is strong and he is good at (5) running    and jumping. Alex is (6) member of our school basketball club. He doesn’t like reading books or (7) watching TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alex is (8) keen on cycling and we often ride our (9)  bikes in summer. Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) trust   Alex because he is a good friend.

3.   Alex isn’t a good pupil.

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Запитання 12

2. Read the text once again and write if the sentences are true or false.

My (1) best friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) tall and thin. He has got short dark (3) straight hair and big eyes. Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) tests, but he is a sporty boy. He is strong and he is good at (5) running    and jumping. Alex is (6) member of our school basketball club. He doesn’t like reading books or (7) watching TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alex is (8) keen on cycling and we often ride our (9)  bikes in summer. Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) trust   Alex because he is a good friend.

4.   Alex is good at sports.

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Запитання 13

2. Read the text once again and write if the sentences are true or false.

My (1) best friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) tall and thin. He has got short dark (3) straight hair and big eyes. Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) tests, but he is a sporty boy. He is strong and he is good at (5) running    and jumping. Alex is (6) member of our school basketball club. He doesn’t like reading books or (7) watching TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alex is (8) keen on cycling and we often ride our (9)  bikes in summer. Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) trust   Alex because he is a good friend.

5.   Alex is keen on watching TV.

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Запитання 14

2. Read the text once again and write if the sentences are true or false.

My (1) best friend’s name is Alex. We are in different classes but we live in the same house. Alex is (2) tall and thin. He has got short dark (3) straight hair and big eyes. Alex is not crazy about school, he sometimes cheats in (4) tests, but he is a sporty boy. He is strong and he is good at (5) running    and jumping. Alex is (6) member of our school basketball club. He doesn’t like reading books or (7) watching TV because he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alex is (8) keen on cycling and we often ride our (9)  bikes in summer. Some girls in his class don’t like Alex because he teases them sometimes. But all the boys think that they can (10) trust   Alex because he is a good friend.

6.   All the classmates think that Alex is a good friend.

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