Reading 6

Додано: 1 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

My parents' friend Brad has a small restaurant in Auckland and he loves cooking.

I sometimes go to visit him with my parents at weekends. When we go to his house, we walk around town during the day. Then, we love watching shows and competitions about cooking in the evening.

Brad's favourite show is MasterChef because it gives him ideas for his restaurant. I prefer The Great British Bake Off because I love cooking and eating cakes and sweets!

1. Who has a small restaurant in Auckland?

варіанти відповідей

Master Chef




Запитання 2

My parents' friend Brad has a small restaurant in Auckland and he loves cooking.

I sometimes go to visit him with my parents at weekends. When we go to his house, we walk around town during the day. Then, we love watching shows and competitions about cooking in the evening.

Brad's favourite show is MasterChef because it gives him ideas for his restaurant. I prefer The Great British Bake Off because I love cooking and eating cakes and sweets!

2. Where is the restaurant located?

варіанти відповідей

in Auckland

in Brad

in The Great British Bake

in the city centre

Запитання 3

My parents' friend Brad has a small restaurant in Auckland and he loves cooking.

I sometimes go to visit him with my parents at weekends. When we go to his house, we walk around town during the day. Then, we love watching shows and competitions about cooking in the evening.

Brad's favourite show is MasterChef because it gives him ideas for his restaurant. I prefer The Great British Bake Off because I love cooking and eating cakes and sweets!

3. What things do they like to do?

варіанти відповідей

watching shows

watching shows and competitions

watching The Great British Bake

watching MasterChef

Запитання 4

My parents' friend Brad has a small restaurant in Auckland and he loves cooking.

I sometimes go to visit him with my parents at weekends. When we go to his house, we walk around town during the day. Then, we love watching shows and competitions about cooking in the evening.

Brad's favourite show is MasterChef because it gives him ideas for his restaurant. I prefer The Great British Bake Off because I love cooking and eating cakes and sweets!

4. What is the favourite Brad's show?

варіанти відповідей

Friend Brad

All about Brad

The Great British Bake


Запитання 5

My parents' friend Brad has a small restaurant in Auckland and he loves cooking.

I sometimes go to visit him with my parents at weekends. When we go to his house, we walk around town during the day. Then, we love watching shows and competitions about cooking in the evening.

Brad's favourite show is MasterChef because it gives him ideas for his restaurant. I prefer The Great British Bake Off because I love cooking and eating cakes and sweets!

5. What is the boy's favourite show?

варіанти відповідей


The Great British Bake

Friend Brad


Запитання 6

My parents' friend Brad has a small restaurant in Auckland and he loves cooking.

I sometimes go to visit him with my parents at weekends. When we go to his house, we walk around town during the day. Then, we love watching shows and competitions about cooking in the evening.

Brad's favourite show is MasterChef because it gives him ideas for his restaurant. I prefer The Great British Bake Off because I love cooking and eating cakes and sweets!

6. What does the boy love?

варіанти відповідей


eating cakes

eating cakes and sweets

cooking, eating cakes and sweets

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