
Додано: 26 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 49 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do the tasks

Fact sheet. “Welcome to the Land of Freedom,” is an illustration of immigrants on board the steamer Germanic from Frank Leslie’s illustrated newspaper, July 2, 1887. Ellis Island was the place where immigrants landed in New York City before entering American soil. Ellis Island is part of New York City. It is the place where 12 to 20 million immigrants to the United States were processed from 1892 to 1954. The selection process followed a certain number of strict rules. Only the wealthy immigrants who had travelled first class were automatically accepted. Now Ellis Island is a museum devoted to the history of immigration.

1.Ellis Island is..

варіанти відповідей

1. a land of freedom

2. a part of the New York City

3.a place where immigrants lived

Запитання 2

Every American understands the meaning of “the American Dream”, as no other people have its national dream. It has become an important part of their identity. Today the Dream seems to mean that anything is possible if you really want it, but we decided to find out the initial concept of the American Dream. 

2.American dream is.....

варіанти відповідей

1.a national dream important part of the american identity

3.everything is possible if you really want it

Запитання 3

The Puritans, who came to New England in 1620, had their own dream. In England they had been well-educated and rich, but they did not agree with how the Anglican Church practised religion, so they left behind their comfortable lives and set out on a mission. These first Puritans were dreaming to start a new life and give their children a better future, and this was the heart of the American Dream. 

3.The puritans wanted ....

варіанти відповідей

1. to be well-educated

2. to agree with the Anglican Church. start a new life and give their children a better future

Запитання 4

By 1776 the new Americans had lived in the thirteen colonies for more than 150 years, but they still did not have their own government. The British took taxes and had authority over them. So, the colonists started American Revolution and fought for their American Dream: freedom to live the life they wanted. These democratic ideal was granted to the Americans by The Declaration of Independence. In fact, the new United States became an equal society only for the white men. 

4.Thirteen colonies....

варіанти відповідей

1. existed for 150 years

2.united all the British people

3.were for the white men only

Запитання 5

By 1776 the new Americans had lived in the thirteen colonies for more than 150 years, but they still did not have their own government. The British took taxes and had authority over them. So, the colonists started American Revolution and fought for their American Dream: freedom to live the life they wanted. These democratic ideal was granted to the Americans by The Declaration of Independence. In fact, the new United States became an equal society only for the white men. 

5.In 1776 the colonists started the American Revolution

варіанти відповідей


2. False

Запитання 6

Since the times the meaning of the American Dream has changed significantly: from freedom and equality to a more material happiness. Although the Dream has always been about achieving a better life if you work hard enough and think positively. Americans love “rags-to-riches” stories about real people who have “made it big”. The biography of well-known Abraham Lincoln begins in a Kentucky log cabin and ends in the White House. Horatio Alger Jr.’s nineteenth-century novels depict characters’ success stories, as achieved through honest work and courage. In the 1930s, novelist John Steinbeck published “Of Mice and Men” in which the migrant laborers George and Lennie cling to their dream of owning a farm, even as they face brutal poverty. The 2006 film The Pursuit of Happiness tells the true story of Chris Gardner, who had been homeless and even in jail, before he finally grabbed at a chance and became one of the richest and most successful African-Americans on Wall Street. 

6.The meaning of the American dream changed from ..

варіанти відповідей

1. material being to freedom and democracy

2. from freedom and equality to material happiness

3.from happiness to freedom

Запитання 7

Since the times the meaning of the American Dream has changed significantly: from freedom and equality to a more material happiness. Although the Dream has always been about achieving a better life if you work hard enough and think positively. Americans love “rags-to-riches” stories about real people who have “made it big”. The biography of well-known Abraham Lincoln begins in a Kentucky log cabin and ends in the White House. Horatio Alger Jr.’s nineteenth-century novels depict characters’ success stories, as achieved through honest work and courage. In the 1930s, novelist John Steinbeck published “Of Mice and Men” in which the migrant laborers George and Lennie cling to their dream of owning a farm, even as they face brutal poverty. The 2006 film The Pursuit of Happiness tells the true story of Chris Gardner, who had been homeless and even in jail, before he finally grabbed at a chance and became one of the richest and most successful African-Americans on Wall Street. 

7.The bigraphy of Abraham Linkoln begins in the wWhite House

варіанти відповідей


2. False

Запитання 8

Since the times the meaning of the American Dream has changed significantly: from freedom and equality to a more material happiness. Although the Dream has always been about achieving a better life if you work hard enough and think positively. Americans love “rags-to-riches” stories about real people who have “made it big”. The biography of well-known Abraham Lincoln begins in a Kentucky log cabin and ends in the White House. Horatio Alger Jr.’s nineteenth-century novels depict characters’ success stories, as achieved through honest work and courage. In the 1930s, novelist John Steinbeck published “Of Mice and Men” in which the migrant laborers George and Lennie cling to their dream of owning a farm, even as they face brutal poverty. The 2006 film The Pursuit of Happiness tells the true story of Chris Gardner, who had been homeless and even in jail, before he finally grabbed at a chance and became one of the richest and most successful African-Americans on Wall Street. 

8.The biograghy of Abraham Linkoln begins in the Kentucky cabin and ends in The White House

варіанти відповідей


2. False

Запитання 9

Since the times the meaning of the American Dream has changed significantly: from freedom and equality to a more material happiness. Although the Dream has always been about achieving a better life if you work hard enough and think positively. Americans love “rags-to-riches” stories about real people who have “made it big”. The biography of well-known Abraham Lincoln begins in a Kentucky log cabin and ends in the White House. Horatio Alger Jr.’s nineteenth-century novels depict characters’ success stories, as achieved through honest work and courage. In the 1930s, novelist John Steinbeck published “Of Mice and Men” in which the migrant laborers George and Lennie cling to their dream of owning a farm, even as they face brutal poverty. The 2006 film The Pursuit of Happiness tells the true story of Chris Gardner, who had been homeless and even in jail, before he finally grabbed at a chance and became one of the richest and most successful African-Americans on Wall Street. 

9.John Steinbeck wrote a novel"Of mice and Men", where he showed how immigrants went to their dream

варіанти відповідей


2. False

Запитання 10

Since the times the meaning of the American Dream has changed significantly: from freedom and equality to a more material happiness. Although the Dream has always been about achieving a better life if you work hard enough and think positively. Americans love “rags-to-riches” stories about real people who have “made it big”. The biography of well-known Abraham Lincoln begins in a Kentucky log cabin and ends in the White House. Horatio Alger Jr.’s nineteenth-century novels depict characters’ success stories, as achieved through honest work and courage. In the 1930s, novelist John Steinbeck published “Of Mice and Men” in which the migrant laborers George and Lennie cling to their dream of owning a farm, even as they face brutal poverty. The 2006 film The Pursuit of Happiness tells the true story of Chris Gardner, who had been homeless and even in jail, before he finally grabbed at a chance and became one of the richest and most successful African-Americans on Wall Street. 

10.The Pursuit of Happiness is ....

варіанти відповідей

1. the story of the farmer

2. the story of the homeless who became the richest and most successful africo-american

3.the true story of the brutal poverty

Запитання 11

Canada has a lot of outdoor activities – kayaking and canoeing, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and white-water rafting are just some of those available. No matter what part of the country you are in, and no matter the season, you will always find something to do. There is definitely a reason everyone around the world loves Canada and its people.

11.Canada has no outdoor activities at all.

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

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