5 Reading I

Додано: 26 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 126 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct answer

My name is Helen and I’d like to tell you about my friends. I have got two best friends Dolly and Ann. Dolly is eleven years old and she is my classmate. Ann is one year older than Dolly and me. She is twelve. Dolly is curious. She likes reading and knows a lot of interesting things and stories. Ann is an imaginative person. She doesn’t like reading, but she writes short stories about animals and children. Ann is very shy, she only reads her stories to Dolly and me. Dolly is clever and helpful and I often ask her to help me with some homework. She can sing well. Ann likes gardening and can paint very well. She always paints pictures for her stories. Dolly collects coins. She often goes to other countries with our school dancing club and brings coins for herself and dolls for Ann because Ann collects them. I think that my best friends are unusual and like them very much.

  — Which girl is 12 years old?

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Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct answer

My name is Helen and I’d like to tell you about my friends. I have got two best friends Dolly and Ann. Dolly is eleven years old and she is my classmate. Ann is one year older than Dolly and me. She is twelve. Dolly is curious. She likes reading and knows a lot of interesting things and stories. Ann is an imaginative person. She doesn’t like reading, but she writes short stories about animals and children. Ann is very shy, she only reads her stories to Dolly and me. Dolly is clever and helpful and I often ask her to help me with some homework. She can sing well. Ann likes gardening and can paint very well. She always paints pictures for her stories. Dolly collects coins. She often goes to other countries with our school dancing club and brings coins for herself and dolls for Ann because Ann collects them. I think that my best friends are unusual and like them very much.

 — Which girl is shy?

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Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct answer

My name is Helen and I’d like to tell you about my friends. I have got two best friends Dolly and Ann. Dolly is eleven years old and she is my classmate. Ann is one year older than Dolly and me. She is twelve. Dolly is curious. She likes reading and knows a lot of interesting things and stories. Ann is an imaginative person. She doesn’t like reading, but she writes short stories about animals and children. Ann is very shy, she only reads her stories to Dolly and me. Dolly is clever and helpful and I often ask her to help me with some homework. She can sing well. Ann likes gardening and can paint very well. She always paints pictures for her stories. Dolly collects coins. She often goes to other countries with our school dancing club and brings coins for herself and dolls for Ann because Ann collects them. I think that my best friends are unusual and like them very much.

 — Which girl likes gardening?

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Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the correct answer

My name is Helen and I’d like to tell you about my friends. I have got two best friends Dolly and Ann. Dolly is eleven years old and she is my classmate. Ann is one year older than Dolly and me. She is twelve. Dolly is curious. She likes reading and knows a lot of interesting things and stories. Ann is an imaginative person. She doesn’t like reading, but she writes short stories about animals and children. Ann is very shy, she only reads her stories to Dolly and me. Dolly is clever and helpful and I often ask her to help me with some homework. She can sing well. Ann likes gardening and can paint very well. She always paints pictures for her stories. Dolly collects coins. She often goes to other countries with our school dancing club and brings coins for herself and dolls for Ann because Ann collects them. I think that my best friends are unusual and like them very much.

— Which girl can paint? 

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Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the correct answer

My name is Helen and I’d like to tell you about my friends. I have got two best friends Dolly and Ann. Dolly is eleven years old and she is my classmate. Ann is one year older than Dolly and me. She is twelve. Dolly is curious. She likes reading and knows a lot of interesting things and stories. Ann is an imaginative person. She doesn’t like reading, but she writes short stories about animals and children. Ann is very shy, she only reads her stories to Dolly and me. Dolly is clever and helpful and I often ask her to help me with some homework. She can sing well. Ann likes gardening and can paint very well. She always paints pictures for her stories. Dolly collects coins. She often goes to other countries with our school dancing club and brings coins for herself and dolls for Ann because Ann collects them. I think that my best friends are unusual and like them very much.

 — Which girl collects coins? 

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